The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Sorry to hear but on the brightside, you're from NJ and therefore have a good chance at hooking up with The Situation :D

lol a friend of mine is "lucky" enough to live in the town they were all staying in and insulted one of the guys and they tried to fight him. Apparently its gonna air on the show... I'm ashamed to even have this connection to those people.
day has ended extremely well

best friend called me up at like 10 and said we were driving up to north portland (ghetto area) for this party. so we ddrive to this party, it's way north. and we meet all these really tight people, like "Nigga Marcus" "Rims" etc. etc :lol: everyone had to have a nickname so my best friends was J Scrap, mine was Quart Black Zakk and my other friend was Thundercat. Basically kicked it around, drank some four loco's, rolled a couple blunts, plays shit :D then on the way back home we were blasting dubstep and just dancing/moving the whole time, and we went to this kickass donut shop.
My mouth tastes like beer, my face hurts, I feel like shit. So now I'm going to go do a massive hangover poo. Good night.
Just finished the Dante's Inferno demo, that game is fucking awesome. I don't give a shit if it's a "God of War rip off", the concept and story is so much better. Granted it would be ridiculous to say it's got "historical basis", Dante Alighieri was a florentine poet not a crusader, but still. I'm surprised no one else has made a game based on the nine circles of hell yet.

You say that just because you are a Xbox owner and cannot play GoW :lol:

I had God of War 1&2 when I had PS2. They were both awesome games.
my life over the past few hours was like: fuck I don't wanna play hockey but sure guys I'll come for a while at least...lets go have a beer or 2 and spend a quiet night...hey that energy drink looks good....fuck I can't sleep, time to go see who's still drinking...fuck I'm drunk again....fuck I'm hungover again....ringringring banana phone: FUCK YOU GUYS I AM NOT PLAYING HOCKEY TODAY I KNOW WHAT COMES AFTER NOW
Tired....been working on a brochure for my Multimedia course till half past eleven yesterday (+ the half hour drive home).
And then got up at 7 again...
my life over the past few hours was like: fuck I don't wanna play hockey but sure guys I'll come for a while at least...lets go have a beer or 2 and spend a quiet night...hey that energy drink looks good....fuck I can't sleep, time to go see who's still drinking...fuck I'm drunk again....fuck I'm hungover again....ringringring banana phone: FUCK YOU GUYS I AM NOT PLAYING HOCKEY TODAY I KNOW WHAT COMES AFTER NOW
