The return of the "How are you today?" thread

last page-round-up :D:
blahblahblah plays guitar
so you all want to date musicians but the guy can't practice? :p
dump him ASAP, you can do way better!!!
>_> I never got why this phrase is used... why always aspire more and better if you can deepen your current relationship by just giving it a chance (and making an effort - effort being: stop whining and do something else)? / corny
To be honest, almost all guys are like that. If they're not interested in gaming or play guitar then they will have something else to ignore you with.
I think it's the first time I agree with you :)
if your guy likes these things, let him do it. I bet he doesn't bother you while you're doing your girly shizzle?
Either way, if you're having doubts now, then you should probably end it.
however.. >_> ... having doubts is perfectly normal. if you don't give your relationship a chance to breathe (and also the bf obviously) both or one's suffocation is imminent :p
and if you're just looking for someone good in bed, I'm sure you can find it
do i smell the putrid stench of a not so much Chinese volunteer?
my wallet is so empty I'm crying.
I demand pics of this, not of the wallet -_-
Oh well, you sure haven't heard my bf... I tried leaving him and he begged for me to take him back. He loves me way too much. He calls me all the time, crying, for me to go see him. And he keeps telling me he's afraid I'll leave him.Yeah maybe he's addicted to gaming. So what ? Doesn't mean he's not interested in me. He's actually TOO interested in me.
you always reach for the stars, don't you?

for those interested: i get plenty of sex, most of the time with multiple animals, sometimes even just with one, sometimes alive, sometimes dead, oh and the bf too, yes... we like diversity... that's what got us through 2,5 years already and it's still going smoothly :D I've learnt to live with the constant guitar playing :p
Well like you're such a social person.. All you do here is bashing ppl.. Looks like you don't have a life!

And actually I was here for the show, I just didn't feel like letting you guys know.. Thing is, imo it's very pathetic to go whine about the fact your relationship has ended and then to go bash you ex on a forum.
So relationships end, who gives a fuck.. really..

I generally point out to people what I see, and what they have already said themselves.
Very little bashing goes on, people are just offended when they are told who they really are.

And no, from 10am-3pm, I'm generally bored as shit and have no life :cool:
The issue was, spending the money and flying to Australia was easier than staying in Canada, due to you being a social fuck. Think that one flew over your head.

Okay, I'm just going to let you in on a fact about me. In my line of work, I don't stay in one place. I'm always going to here and there all the time fork work purposes. Now if you think about this, it's not really going to matter where my friends and so on live at.

I'm not bashing or making assumptions :lol:
I'm pointing out observations. I never said anything really bad about her, unless you consider "not-posting" bad.

Well, the whole myspace thing was pretty much an assumption. But yeah, everything else were observations.

bro, didn't mean to rag on ur chik bro, cool bro?

She's not my chick though.

I generally point out to people what I see, and what they have already said themselves.
Very little bashing goes on, people are just offended when they are told who they really are.
Such a shame for you to say that since you don't really know me or her. All you know is what we have posted on the forum. For you to act like you know someone so well based on what is posted on an off-topic forum of a metal band is quite silly.
Okay, I'm just going to let you in on a fact about me. In my line of work, I don't stay in one place. I'm always going to here and there all the time fork work purposes. Now if you think about this, it's not really going to matter where my friends and so on live at.

You don't have a degree or diploma, so I doubt you are the care free richfag you pretend to be. You like to allude to the fact that you HAVE THIS LUDICROUSLY HIGH PAYING JOB THAT YOU SOMEHOW LANDED WITH NO REAL SKILLS (I hit caps and I'm too lazy to re-type that shit, deal with it).

I think that there is a good chance that you either:

A) Live at home and have no expenses, which allows you to spend all your income on dumb shit such as trips to Australia


B) You came into a sum of money somehow, but have no way to sustain it and you're slowly wittling what you have down because you're a dumbfuck retard, who inbetween roundtrip flights to Sydney, spends all his time making the dumbest threads in existence.

Prove me wrong.

For you to act like you know someone so well based on what is posted on an off-topic forum of a metal band is quite silly.

Actually we have all come to know eachother quite well through the years, we may not know the specifics of everyone's life but it's safe to say we all have a good grasp of how certain (frequent) posters act, how their attitudes are, their beliefs, etc...
You don't have a degree or diploma, so I doubt you are the care free richfag you pretend to be. You like to allude to the fact that you HAVE THIS LUDICROUSLY HIGH PAYING JOB THAT YOU SOMEHOW LANDED WITH NO REAL SKILLS (I hit caps and I'm too lazy to re-type that shit, deal with it).

I think that there is a good chance that you either:

A) Live at home and have no expenses, which allows you to spend all your income on dumb shit such as trips to Australia


B) You came into a sum of money somehow, but have no way to sustain it and you're slowly wittling what you have down because you're a dumbfuck retard, who inbetween roundtrip flights to Sydney, spends all his time making the dumbest threads in existence.

Prove me wrong.

It's interesting that you call me all kinds of insults yet I do not do that to you. I wonder why you feel such negativity towards me? Why? Just because I made some posts and threads on a not-so-important forum somewhere on the internet?

Do I bash you and the things you do in your personal life? No I do not. I don't exactly have proof about my personal income, and I don't expect you nor do I expect anyone to believe me. I could prove it though; however, I would not waste my personal effort on that. It's not like I should matter that much to you.

You seem quite quick to assume things about me or say things that are rather disrespectful. I personally don't think a person should become like this towards another just because of some silly posts on a forum; however, that is just what I think. I would not do that to someone, in seriousness.

Joe, you can insult me all you want or say bad things about me. It's not going to bother me. There are always people in the world who would not agree with one another. It's a simple fact. I just simply state my view.

I feel good about my job, my income, my hobbies, my friends, and many other various things in my life. I do as I like in my life and I have a lot of freedom. Yes, I know I am lucky to have a lot of the priviledges that I have. I may state it and if it bothers you, then that's not my problem. I make my own statements and I do my best to remain rational about it.

If you are trying to make me feel bad about me being myself, it's not going to work. So don't bother trying.


Actually we have all come to know eachother quite well through the years, we may not know the specifics of everyone's life but it's safe to say we all have a good grasp of how certain (frequent) posters act, how their attitudes are, their beliefs, etc...

Judge me or whoever you want then. I'm not going to change who I am, so you may as well ignore me or accept it.
It's interesting that you call me all kinds of insults yet I do not do that to you. I wonder why you feel such negativity towards me? Why? Just because I made some posts and threads on a not-so-important forum somewhere on the internet?

Do I bash you and the things you do in your personal life? No I do not. I don't exactly have proof about my personal income, and I don't expect you nor do I expect anyone to believe me. I could prove it though; however, I would not waste my personal effort on that. It's not like I should matter that much to you.

You seem quite quick to assume things about me or say things that are rather disrespectful. I personally don't think a person should become like this towards another just because of some silly posts on a forum; however, that is just what I think. I would not do that to someone, in seriousness.

Joe, you can insult me all you want or say bad things about me. It's not going to bother me. There are always people in the world who would not agree with one another. It's a simple fact. I just simply state my view.

I feel good about my job, my income, my hobbies, my friends, and many other various things in my life. I do as I like in my life and I have a lot of freedom. Yes, I know I am lucky to have a lot of the priviledges that I have. I may state it and if it bothers you, then that's not my problem. I make my own statements and I do my best to remain rational about it.

If you are trying to make me feel bad about me being myself, it's not going to work. So don't bother trying.


Judge me or whoever you want then. I'm not going to change who I am, so you may as well ignore me or accept it.

tl;dr is right.

If you think that the reason I don't like you stems from your piss-poor trolling on this forum, you really need a reality check. I'm not gonna argue with you, nor am I 'trying to make you feel bad about being yourself', but there is some undeniable truth to what I said, regardless of how you're trying to play it off.

It's all lulz and trolling with you until your ex-cumdumpster came around spreading your business on the tubes and now it's all serious responses. Not even sure if you're trying to troll me now. I'll give you 4/10 for getting me to write as much as I already did.
tl;dr is right.

If you think that the reason I don't like you stems from your piss-poor trolling on this forum, you really need a reality check. I'm not gonna argue with you, nor am I 'trying to make you feel bad about being yourself', but there is some undeniable truth to what I said, regardless of how you're trying to play it off.

Truth? How can you state a supposed truth about my own work if you don't know what it is exactly?

It's all lulz and trolling with you until your ex-cumdumpster came around spreading your business on the tubes and now it's all serious responses. Not even sure if you're trying to troll me now. I'll give you 4/10 for getting me to write as much as I already did.

Nah, it's not about her stating anything. It's just how you seem to like to bash me all the time about some posts and/or threads or things in my personal life that shouldn't even matter to you. It just seems irrational.
Kaga has never really bothered me tbh. I don't think I've ever talked to him, and he doesn't talk to me. No one on here really irritates me all that much, but there are a few people that I think should floss with barbed wire.