The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Dude fucking human centipede...that movie is so fucked up!! loved it though, they're maing a sequel with a 16 person centipede :lol:

and i saw iron man 2 then snuck into kickass, iron man 2 kicked ass, fucking loved it. can't wait for the avengers and all the subsequent comic movies
kickass.....the commercials didn't portray it accurately AT ALL it was so much different...almost to brutal and dark
I thought Kickass was going to be one of those spoof movies making fun of everything else, almost like Scary Movie, or Meet The Spartans.
Holy shit, I came home from Turku today. I was seeing Parkway drive,Despised Icon,WInds of plague, The Warriors and 50 Lions.

Was one of the best shows I have EVER seen and one of the most fun and energetic.

I had my doubts and prejudices about Despised Icon and WoP but holy shit, they kicked ginormous ass. I met all the bands afterwards because they were just walking around casually in the club, having a beer and laughing. The Warriors was goofy as hell, the guitarists on stage started doing a circle pit and one of them jumped down into the crowd and started a moshpit while playing guitar. Just insane! Some hardcore dancing was seen only when the first band played, but me and a friend sorted them out by showing how a real moshpit looks like.

[ame][/ame] (on the parkway drive video you can see me doing a stage dive at 2.39. The really short dude in black shirt that dives down and falls down :lol: )
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:lol: that was quick

Yeah, Turku is about 300 kilometers from here. We started at a bit over 3 and were there about 19:30. We left at like 01:00 and went to eat so we left Turku at 2:00. We were home at about 06:00 :lol: We went home the same day for several reasons.

Needless to say, it was fucking awful driving after 5 high energy bands and moshing. We split up the driving on 3 persons though...
They ain't exactly famous. Not talking about genres or anything. They were just so awesome live, I can't even describe. Too bad Despised Icon will call it quits after these tours.

And no, I didn't mean they are underground-underground. Like super kvlt shit...Whatever man.

EDIT: Don't even bother replying, I used the wrong wording. You are one picky cunt :lol:
That's strange. Never met anyone random here even knowing about them :lol: Probably the goddamn "Finland, land of heavy metal" thing where everyone is such elitist fucks that they don't listen to anything else than Bodom and anytihng with insane guitar solos or power metal.
That's strange. Never met anyone random here even knowing about them :lol: Probably the goddamn "Finland, land of heavy metal" thing where everyone is such elitist fucks that they don't listen to anything else than Bodom and anytihng with insane guitar solos or power metal.

You're lucky then, because here the elitist fucks are people that hate guitar solos, and only listen to Deathcore, Crabcore, and just in general really stupid music made by 18 year old-ish scene fag guys with bad comb overs. Let's trade residences xD
^I don't like to label anything or even try to belong to a group. I do feel more "home" at shows where hardcore bands and -core influenced play. Yeah, well...most people I know are not like that who are into that kinda music. IMO Guitar solos should be in a song only if it serves a song, not because it's some unwritten rule of coolness. My bands songs do not in general have solos. maybe 1/4 of them have somekinda solo. That could be too because I am ultimately no lead player and it's not my thing.

Also, Despised Icon and Winds of plague have solos ;) In Winds of plague they were both sweeping and showing off at one point (both guitarists)

@TheKid:They were really fucking awesome, dude. "The Impaler" video gives a impression that the vocalist is some wiggerdouchebag. He was not, he was this overly-musculous looking dude that just went fucking insane on stage.

Also, their keyboardist is so goddamned sexy! I had a boner and crushed the safety barrier with it!!

True story btw, the safety barrier got crushed when WoP or Despised Icon played. Not by my pen0r though.