The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Oreally? Despised Icon or Winds of Plague? I was more meaning Despised Icon but yeah...

Been kinda lost here which of them you guys mean. Ah well, seems like everythings different on the other side of the atlantic then.
Well, It was just a stage dive :lol: Yeah, Despised Icon and WoP are kinda underground id say. Cool shit though, must admit!


Both bands are REALLY popular with the scenesters. Winds is good, haven't heard DI but still.
You're lucky then, because here the elitist fucks are people that hate guitar solos, and only listen to Deathcore, Crabcore, and just in general really stupid music made by 18 year old-ish scene fag guys with bad comb overs. Let's trade residences xD

You're lucky then, because here the elitist fucks are people that hate guitar solos, and only listen to Deathcore, Crabcore, and just in general really stupid music made by 18 year old-ish scene fag guys with bad comb overs. Let's trade residences xD

Same thing here, I hate it. But then again, I also hate the elitist fags who give me shit for liking new bodom. Maybe I just have no taste.

I don't really like wop solos, though. What about The Faceless? =O
I am not feeling that great, got woken up by a phone call from my dad telling me my dog passed away. Not even two months ago my rottweiler died and now my beagle... at least she died of old age in her sleep which isn't as terrible I guess... even so, feels bad man.
I am not feeling that great, got woken up by a phone call from my dad telling me my dog passed away. Not even two months ago my rottweiler died and now my beagle... at least she died of old age in her sleep which isn't as terrible I guess... even so, feels bad man.

Awe I'm sorry :(
every time is chilly and it rains i transform into a woman = hot showers + Häagen-Dazs + Stolichnaya + Anathema or else Ferrero Rocher + Stolichnaya + Pictures Of You, by The Cure in repeat