The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I am not feeling that great, got woken up by a phone call from my dad telling me my dog passed away. Not even two months ago my rottweiler died and now my beagle... at least she died of old age in her sleep which isn't as terrible I guess... even so, feels bad man.

I'm so sorry to hear :( Hope you're doing ok.
I lost my rabbit once. I cried for days. Some cocksucking kids hit him in the head with wooden sticks and sprayed soap-water on him when he was running loose on our lawn :( I remember me wanting to kill them...

Since we're talking a bit about days off from school: I've sort of had this whole week off from school. On monday we went to school 10:30 in the morning and got to know what subject we were going to talk about on our "try-out exam". It's like, a small exam before the final exam. It was to be preformed oral and I was going to talk about mass media. I got the grade B :D So my day have been really great.
Then I came home from school and did some Zumba, ate some dinner, watched a movie with mom, played some Left 4 Dead 2 and Team Fortress2, cleaned the whole bathroom, did the dishes and now I'm relaxing big time and going to do so for the rest of the week because there is no school 'til the 18th of May :D
I'm so sorry to hear :( Hope you're doing ok.
I lost my rabbit once. I cried for days. Some cocksucking kids hit him in the head with wooden sticks and sprayed soap-water on him when he was running loose on our lawn :( I remember me wanting to kill them...

What the fuck? You should have (or got someone to) beat the living shit out of them, hurting people's feelings is fine but that's way over the line, and illegal.
I just in general wish I had a job -____-

But yeah, intentionally overslept today, now I'm about to go down to gamestop and pick up Fable 2. :]

Your life sounds riveting. They should make a sitcom.

Sigh tomorrow are 2 of my biggest finals. And I need to get a B or an A on the first one in order to be able to declare my Economics major. T_T

Do work, son!

I don't. =\
I called my ex yesterday (should've known better really), and today she called me going apeshit insane over it, and called me all kinds of names. Part shitty and part amusing, I guess.
I don't. =
Well, I didn't mean that like 100%. Some people are just so assholes that you really need to hurt their feelings. For example one day I said on MSN to my former friend (in dictionaries, his picture is next to word "asshole") something negative about his girlfriend and compared her to a sex toy. Then he said something like "Tomorrow I'm gonna beat the fuck out of you". Well, the next day he didn't even appear at school. I'm going to be trolling him until he tries to beat the fuck out of me :)
Well, I didn't mean that like 100%. Some people are just so assholes that you really need to hurt their feelings. For example one day I said on MSN to my former friend (in dictionaries, his picture is next to word "asshole") something negative about his girlfriend and compared her to a sex toy. Then he said something like "Tomorrow I'm gonna beat the fuck out of you". Well, the next day he didn't even appear at school. I'm going to be trolling him until he tries to beat the fuck out of me :)
