The return of the "How are you today?" thread

As you add acid to milk, more and more positively charged proteins are given to the negatively charged kappa-casein, the kappa-casein loses its charge and so the casein micelles begin to clump together. Eventually the clumps become big enough to see - which are the lumps we call curds, and the process is called curdling. Good if you want to collect the curds to make cheese. Bad if you want a smooth drink or sauce!

:lol: At first I thought you just had grimey milk but godamn, good to know.
I seem to recall Swabs giving Crabstick hell for a similar post :loco:

That's true.. But still is pretty cool that Swabs' being an internet nerd actually accomplished more than just wasting time... If you consider having someone shout at you an accompishment. X_x

The cranberries I put in my oatmeal made the milk curdle :(
I didnt know they did that :(

Holy shit... Makes me wonder what other fruits might do that... >_>
I seem to recall Swabs giving Crabstick hell for a similar post :loco:

I was more emphasizing that it's pretty cool for Warrel to interact with forum members in the middle of a gig in front of loads of fans who would be pretty confused at what he said.

Nope, strawberries are fine, pretty sure they aren't citrus either :/
I mix Cranberries (and strawberries) into shakes with milk all the time. My roommate does too, but he also does 1cup milk 1cup orange juice or something. It doesn't curdle, but I microwave my oats, heat sped the process up :(.
Nope, strawberries are fine, pretty sure they aren't citrus either :/
I mix Cranberries (and strawberries) into shakes with milk all the time. My roommate does too, but he also does 1cup milk 1cup orange juice or something. It doesn't curdle, but I microwave my oats, heat sped the process up :(.

strawberries are indeed fine, freshly picked strawberries with milk and sugar ontop on a warm summer evening

feels good man.

On topic: Just returned from the dentist, zero cavities

fuck year
all of mine are incomming at maximum warp, so far so good, they seem to be fine all four of them. Hopefully i'm in luck and never have to pull them :lol:
my both bottom teeth were growing in a 45 angle, one of the worse pain i felt, the bottom right one, it had to be some skin drilled, because the skin was very attached to the teeth.
It doesn't even seem like it should be possible, but I swear that my wisdom teeth come in and then recede. Like twice a year. I asked the dentist about it and she was just like, "i dunno. maybe." But they said I should get them pulled sooner or later anyway.
I think the common policy in the NL is to get the wisdom teeth removed anyway.. They are supposed to be much much weaker than the average teeth..
But they are also much harder to be pulled.. Many ppl have to go to the jaw-surgeon to get them cut out..
A friend of mine had that done couple of weeks ago.. she was sick from it the whole day..
all of mine are incomming at maximum warp, so far so good, they seem to be fine all four of them. Hopefully i'm in luck and never have to pull them :lol:

Same situation for me, when I next go to the dentist I'll ask about them, if they're going to cause health issues then I'll get them pulled, but if it's just a cosmetic issue then fuck it. My teeth aren't perfect anyway.
My teeth aren't perfect anyway.

>Location: UK


Sorry couldn't resist :(

My teeth aren't perfect either. Recently got my 4 front teeth filed down and got these temporary shells, getting pro made shells in about 2 weeks time.