The return of the "How are you today?" thread

My two front teeth broke off partially, so they're partially fake.. But next time I'm going to the dentist he needs to get them fixed a bit.. because they are too big.. Because now I have like these two huge front teeth while the rest of my teeth are 'average' size..

In the NL pretty much every one can get braces.. They're partially in the health insurance packages..

So my teeth look okay..
I have a dead tooth that needs a root canal (I had a big cavity filled on it which killed the nerve in the tooth), so I have a huge infection in the bone (it's like a hard lump along the jaw). In addition, my wisdom tooth behind it, which is impacted (90 degree angle) grew in some-fucking-how and is pushing the dead infected tooth up and forward making it a lot more painful.

And to top it off in Canada dental work is not covered in our health insurance :erk: I'm too poor to get anything fixed :lol: I am gonna try to get the hospital to pull it I guess since it's sort of emergency care.
They are supposed to be much much weaker than the average teeth.

I don't really believe that :/
They're a lot more difficult to clean, because they're way back in the mouth and get more shitty things stuck in them, that's why they get cavities and rot way faster than other teeth...
but weaker? I don't really think so, but you can proove me wrong :p

I need braces :(
my 1 front teeth slides over the other one, when you're in front of me, you don't see it, when you're on my left, you don't see it either... when you're on my right side, you're probably like :zombie::ill:
It started when I was like 14, but it keeps getting worse every year :(

I also have a teeth grinding problem, due to stress (I have the ability to worry about EVERYTHING). maybe night braces can fix both problems :p
I need wisdom teeth out :/ They are sideways and coming in, they hurt like fuck for a few days, then stop for weeks.

I managed to get up just before 7am today, only to be doen everything I needed to have done, by 9:30. :p

I looked up how to make dubstep bass in google, and been playing with that all day. I'm making a slow hip-hop beat from a windir song :O
Hahaa, so pissed off. Find out the results of my final exams. Passed but missed 3 points from mother tongue and civics to get the highest grade + 7 points from Swedish to get the second highest. Raaaaaage....
Found a decent video of the Nevermore gig, the camera can't really handle the drums but it's the best I've found. The crowd singing during The Heart Collector at 8:05 was fucking epic

In this video the sound quality is shit, but skip to 9:15 :D:D

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" that yooouu?"


Anyway, I watched Avatar while playing drinking games, it was cool. Avatar is a pretty dumb movie. I got a random invite to spend the weekend at a cottage with one of my best freinds. I get to wake up in 3 hours so I can walk to his house and sit in the back of a car for 5 hours. Sleep isn't needed as there will be fishing, thats what real men did instead of sleep, before they invented the texture of soft.