The return of the "How are you today?" thread

the big test i was going to do today was delayed, but i'm not that relieved cause i know i'll fail that subject anyway :p
and i'm worried as hell and feeling powerless (and i wish it was because of the university) =/

@taryn: hang in there girl, trust me, you'll get over it ;)
Everything heals with time. Except Tut's ass cancer, he is sadly on the slippery slope.

Seriously though...try not to let it get to you, remember that life is one big ass rollercoaster and if your lucky a rollercoaster witha beer chiller! If you are but a young'in, its always hard but you will get through it! Look after yourself!
and besides, you live in hawaii! People from around the world suck up to your land's prettiness! Go out and sightsee a bit, you'll feel better ;)

and GAH, feeling a bit better, at least tried to help someone go through some problems. That makes Teh Tutster's day :D
Well, I'm feeling a little...nervous. Keri is sick, and she was one of the people that were supposed to go with us to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire tomorrow (which it comes out in 3 hours and 13 minutes, yes, I have a countdown). The tickets were already bought on Wednesday..I really hope she gets better real soon. She has a fever, poor girl.
@Final Product and Tut: Yes, I will take care of myself! thanks guys... :)Hawaii is pretty I'll admit... but I guess cause I lived here my whole life, one can only wonder what it's like on the mainland or even brazil and scotland!
Final_Product said:
Everything heals with time. Except Tut's ass cancer, he is sadly on the slippery slope.

Seriously though...try not to let it get to you, remember that life is one big ass rollercoaster and if your lucky a rollercoaster witha beer chiller! If you are but a young'in, its always hard but you will get through it! Look after yourself!

GAH! That first sentence was horrible:erk:
Ass cancer is bad, ok?

But you're right on the second part. Very wise.

My day had sucked balls untill the evening, when I had junk food with my dear Yanko. Thaaaaaaaaanks! Life doesn't suck so bad after all! :tickled:
Cris said:
GAH! That first sentence was horrible:erk:
Ass cancer is bad, ok?

But you're right on the second part. Very wise.

My day had sucked balls untill the evening, when I had junk food with my dear Yanko. Thaaaaaaaaanks! Life doesn't suck so bad after all! :tickled:

Well, 23 years on this fine earth has gave me some wisdom at least!

But i dont see whats wrong with ass cancer...:Spin: