The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I would have had that kid off with my voice alone, but even if he wouldn't listen (which he would have), I'd just go get a teacher or some shit to deal with it. Punching a 12 year old is fucking pathetic and not justifiable unless you were ACTUALLY in danger... you think some mouthy 16-17 year old kids (or even weak, faggot people my age) haven't tried to fight me? When they come at me I just toss them around a little until they stop.... punching a kid is just PATHETIC. But i know Ryan is just kidding anyways about feeling tough... at least I hope so :erk:

Sucky kids should be hit, and their parents hit even harder.

If I was a child, and you yelled at me, I'd make fun of you for having long hair like a girl.
muslims hit children with their belt, its a known fact

To say the least of their atrocities. In b4 ban or PC shit storm.

Anyway, on topic-

Okay today, my exams are still fucking going on! Everyone else has finished or finished a few weeks back. Seriously, WTF, GHEY exam boards. Ah well, just history and two sciences left and I'm done. Cant wait for Metal Camp and the holidays in general.
Oh shit tickets, (PM's Uros)
^^Damnit dude...we have all of our exams on one day...Meaning 5 exams for me on one day (chemistry, religion, music +music2,english and maths :erk: )
btw: I counted music+music2 as one ;)
....laughing. :)


But seriously, I am a loud, scary (sometimes violent guy). I wouldn't be that way to you because you seem like someone I'd get along IRL but hypothetically if there ever was a situation I am 100% confident in that what I said would be true :) No offense but I'd scared off tougher guys than you with my voice alone (and thank God because they were huge and could have probably beat th shit out of me :lol:).
But seriously, I am a loud, scary (sometimes violent guy). I wouldn't be that way to you because you seem like someone I'd get along IRL but hypothetically if there ever was a situation I am 100% confident in that what I said would be true :) No offense but I'd scared off tougher guys than you with my voice alone (and thank God because they were huge and could have probably beat th shit out of me :lol:).

One of the reasons I smoke a lot of pot is because it helps curb my anger, (which btw works much more efficiently than the 10 courtordered anger management sessions I took last summer/fall) but it still doesn't keep me from being a prick, which will inevitably lead to me getting my ass kicked someday :lol:
im great, im visiting pittsburg, its really cool. but the weather is fucked up! its fucking hot/humid as shit but then theres huge ass thunderstorms and its damn flooding but you go outside and its not cold when nits raining its still fucking humid.....but it's fun. i had some airport trouble getting here but its all good
Actually you'd piss your pants. In fact, even today, if I yelled at you, you'd piss your pants. Believe me.

well, I think I've maybe said 8-12 sentances to you in IRL, and I was either drunk and jolly, or stoned and 1/4 awake.

Im usually quite but I do have a good yell on me, however, my childlike face doesn't help :p

Kids wasn't scared of yelling because he knew in his head I wasn't going to do anything past yelling.
Meh, i feel rather shit at the moment. Woke up at 4, couldnt get back to sleep, and now i feel nauctious and cold :c

I also just remember i promised someone to go with her to a open house of a school today, but i have to work and i cant make it home in time for it. I either have to call off work AGAIN, or not go to the school. If I call off work, ill probably get fired because i havent been there for quite a while :lol: and if i dont go to the school, ill apply to a school ive never seen ~~

You can't get fired for going to an open house, at least that's what I've heard. School always comes first, even if you have to take time off from work.

Anyways, I'm feeling REALLY shitty at the moment:erk: I went to see a doctor last sunday because of an everlasting sting in my stomach, and got medication for it.... now I'm done with it, and it should have gone away after 3 days of taking them... first it DID get less bad, now it's back, while I'm done with the cure... =/ Going to see my doctor tomorrow I guess... Third time in a week... 0.o
Anyways, I'm feeling REALLY shitty at the moment:erk: I went to see a doctor last sunday because of an everlasting sting in my stomach, and got medication for it.... now I'm done with it, and it should have gone away after 3 days of taking them... first it DID get less bad, now it's back, while I'm done with the cure... =/ Going to see my doctor tomorrow I guess... Third time in a week... 0.o

Know the feeling:erk:

Get well soon! :)

I started a new job today, it was actually fun!

Awesome! What kinda job? :eek:


Feeling good for a change:) Performance coming up this thursday, going to perform a shred-style classical piece accompanied by piano:p