The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Well, since i've heard a few people complaining about the sudden absence of this thread, and having searched through about 10 of the previous pages and not being able to find it... here i am to make a repost :D

Today i had the most desperate/anxious day that i ever had as far as i can remember. And the day still hasn't ended, so hoo-friggiddy-ray :p

awwww!! That's not cool! Why were you so desperate/anxious? :( ..I realize it has been some time since this post, but I still care!


-I'm good, tired and bored.. 0_o
I'm an emotional rollercoaster at the moment.

My boyfriend and I are taking a, what I hope is only temporary, separation to try and work things out. I'm pretty much down right now, but I'm talking with a couple of friends on MSN that are helping me. I just hope things work out for the best, but if they don't, shit happens, I guess..
I'm fucking pissed off at my computer. My MSN is freezing every time someone sends me a message and I have to restart it.

I need a new computer NOW.

hmm I'd just not use msn. tbh

I'm tired but happyy. :)
alittle headachey :erk:
^My doctor actually doesn't recommend that because of where I've been diagnosed with Acid Reflux Disease.

My week just got better.[/sarcasm]

I find out my great-grandmother is dying, her organs are shutting down, and my uncle won't let ANYONE take comfort measures for her. She's a DNR and just wants to pass on, but I don't want her to die in agony.

where? cause they were gonna play in a bar in ghent but they cancelled :(

equilibrium in november too :kickass: (hopefully)

i'm good :) at 3.30 tonight jesus will come and bless the festivities in my town, 10 days of fireworks, gigs, dance, jewelrybooths, fries and alcohol :loco:
I'm fucking disappointed. I were standing in a queue to see Bang Gang live, but the show was in a club and as my girlfriend hadn't the right shoes to get in (she was wearing a pair of fucking CONVERSE, what did they wanted, Prada !!??), we got kicked off. I was waiting for this show since a month. It's like I could cry of it.