The return of the "How are you today?" thread

my day sucks so far...
my injured foot still hurts like hell, it is raining outside all the time, I have loads to do but get nothing done... -.-
guess I´d never do that...rather enjoying my holidays then havign abit less time to spend there...
my day sucked, my foot hurts even more because I sort of stumbled and fell down the stairs -.-
I always thought most males prostitutes were gay though :lol:

Never heard of Rob Schneider?

I dreamed about Swabs :erk:

Yeah, after 2 dreams about Mima, and 4 one about Joe, I can tell you that there's noting wrong with that*



i dont suck at school, its to get extra credits so i can get out of high school faster

guess I´d never do that...rather enjoying my holidays then havign abit less time to spend there...

My grandfather hated school so much, he forced himself to be fucking good and skipped two years. True story.

my day sucked, my foot hurts even more because I sort of stumbled and fell down the stairs -.-

i fell down some stairs too! It was Saturday, and i was at a friend's house, and I was a bit drunk because i had been bar tending and boozin' beforehand. My friend's mom made it worse by giving me more alcohol.. and I went out drinking afterwards, hahahaha....:kickass:

I feel your pain, i have the biggest bruise i've ever had :erk: