The return of the "How are you today?" thread

So my brother and I are driving to school, on the way we pass the local police station, the cop is about to pull out of the driveway before Phil and I can pass it, just barely missing us, and we beep the horn.

Next thing I know, the cop follows us all the way to

He was making sure you weren't Black.
I hate school buses! When I come here, I always forget the stupid 200 ft or whatever law it is. I was coming from the store, and I see the school bus. I slow down to about 10 mph, clearly seeing the kids all the way on the other side of the school nearly in the house. I'm stop 10ft from the bus, and the driver starts HONKING furiously shaking his hands. Then he comes out to say there is a 200 dollar fine..

I hate school buses! When I come here, I always forget the stupid 200 ft or whatever law it is. I was coming from the store, and I see the school bus. I slow down to about 10 mph, clearly seeing the kids all the way on the other side of the school nearly in the house. I'm stop 10ft from the bus, and the driver starts HONKING furiously shaking his hands. Then he comes out to say there is a 200 dollar fine..


Thats when you tell him to either issue the fine, or get back in the vehicle he abandoned in the middle of the road. :p
Thinking about going to the hairdressers soon. Top layer of hair is getting too thick, need to layer it a bit (wow I sound gay). Don't worry, won't be cutting it short though... Actually that is a possibility, just a very unlikely one. We'll see what happens.
i throw away half of my shit every two years (been doing it since i was 5), i barely have anything left of my childhood shit. sucks in a way but then again, it's not like i have room for stuff that i'm not going to use
I had my first story workshopped today. It went terribly. I don't think anyone understood my story so they just attacked it. I have such anxiety to begin with that I just put the hood of my sweater over my head and tried my best not to cry.
I had my first story workshopped today. It went terribly. I don't think anyone understood my story so they just attacked it. I have such anxiety to begin with that I just put the hood of my sweater over my head and tried my best not to cry.

Don't beat yourself over it. Odds are it wasn't as bad as you think. Just move on and don't even think about it.


I am pretty tired and my cell phone doesn't want to charge!! :erk:
im sick have "keuhkoputken tulehdus" dunno the word maby some can translate it.

I think it's called "bronchitis"

I have a bad headache and my right eye is aching like fucking hell. I had a nasty accident this morning. I woke up to my alarm clock and went to turn it off but i fainted and hit my head on my desk. It hurts quite a bit....i hope i didn't get a concussion or something.:erk: