The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Been sick. :erk:
Felt a thousand times better today, and it was very warm out, so I decided to help out my dad on his boat in exchange for dinner (Eggplant Parmesan :cool: ).
Apparently wind, coming off of large bodies of water, is cold, and I feel like shit again.

Also gots new cloths. They are exactly like my current ones, only less punctured, and different colours.
Just a lot of bits tired, worked my regular job yesterday with very excited 7 year olds and then worked some more for free at a haunted house. The haunted house was a blast. Then helped break down the haunted house which was not so fun. I cannot carry heavy stuff cause I'm a lightweight. Then I went on a wild and crazy trip to a party to which we stayed at for less than a half an hour before everyone wanted to go home (including myself because of lifting things). Now I'm sitting at work and then I will go home and pack for my trip. :)
I feel great today... the weather is getting colder as days go by, and it makes me feel so good, makes me happier and can't wait for some more rain and snow!