The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Try this:

It works!
At least for Thai mosquitos...

WTF is this language?! MUST KNOW!
I'm slightly irritated today. Everytime I go somewhere, it never fails that I see a fat kid with a nintendo DS in his hand and is playing a game that makes god awful noises. Or I see kids who are out of control with parents who either are on a cell phone or are higher than the fucking sky.

But on the bright side, I finally got the ring I ordered. It's beautiful.
Kind of down today. Had he still been alive, my friend would have been nineteen today. He was killed in a car accident in January. :(

Fuck sake. Not nice. I had a friend who threw himself infront of a car. He was better than me at pool, which at the time irritated the fuck out of me, as im pretty good at pool, but it was no way to go. Im sorry to hear this.
I have two kinds of repelant. Smells fucking terrible, and also I had a paper cut on one of my fingers which when you 'accidentally' spray that stuff into the wound its PAINFULLL!

lavender incense does the trick :)

i dyed my hair black... or attempted to do so, s more like it... i apparently missed some streaks :lol: but it looks okay nonetheless :eek:
I have two kinds of repelant. Smells fucking terrible, and also I had a paper cut on one of my fingers which when you 'accidentally' spray that stuff into the wound its PAINFULLL!
These two smell quite nice imo, kinda eucalyptus smell. But maybe a little bit penetrating, too, just like any other of these repelants do. I still have a bit of the yellow one left from my last holidays in Thailand - if there would exist a "smelling computer" I could show you :lol:
Of course all these things hurt like hell when they get into a wound, simply because there are lots of perfumes or such things and lots of alcohol in it. Bet you managed to disinfect the wound by the way ;)
WTF is this language?! MUST KNOW!
It´s Thai อักษรไทย
Yeah maybe I did. I wish I didnt keep bashing my hands on things at work. I get so many paper cuts from fucking card boxes its untrue. Oh and I walked into the Baler the other day too, which was fucking painful yet stupid.

Im so accident prone, im suprised ive survived this long. :D
Apparently, everyone is having heart problems lately..

My grandmother was told that she had a silent heart attack and they just had to take my aunt to the hospital for chest pains. Let's just hope I'm not next because I was born with a narrowed valve in my heart. O_O
I'm very indecisive today. I cannot stand living with my parents any longer and my options for moving out are very limited since I'm jobless. A few friends are offering their places, but of course, I know I'm going to have to pay rent, which means I need a job. I'm looking for a job, but I'm not sure if I want to get one since:

a) I'm a college freshman and will need to focus a lot of my attention on school if I want to get my full nursing degree.
b) I have a boyfriend who's also still in school and who needs to know that his girlfriend hasn't turned into some kind of workaholic robot who only focus on school and work. I don't want to risk my relationship.
c) I haven't gotten the proper driver's license yet. There are three different licenses in my state that you have to get before you can drive on your own with no restrictions. I'm still under restrictions, sadly.

A few of my friends said "Get a job." but I'm still not very sure. Decisions, decisions...

Sorry for pretty late reply:

I feel like we have something in common:
I don't wanna live with my mom anymore and I don't know where I can live if I'm not to live with her.. I'm with no job as well but I do want to get one, but I feel like it's so hard to.. get started if you know what I mean. I don't even have friends who I can live with, or none I can share an apartment with either.

I feel like I'm kinda reay to move out and try to stand on my own feet, you know. Maybe it's too early or maybe not. Oh I dunno. I'm so confused xD
I have one year left @ school, and then I'm out for two years to be an apprentice as a hairdresser. And I would like to move along with my boyfriend somewere before or after the last year at school etc etc...

There are so many more thoughts in my head that has to do with this theme that I dunno what to do xD So I say the same thing as you: Decisions, decisions..
I'm very indecisive today. I cannot stand living with my parents any longer and my options for moving out are very limited since I'm jobless. A few friends are offering their places, but of course, I know I'm going to have to pay rent, which means I need a job. I'm looking for a job, but I'm not sure if I want to get one since:

a) I'm a college freshman and will need to focus a lot of my attention on school if I want to get my full nursing degree.
b) I have a boyfriend who's also still in school and who needs to know that his girlfriend hasn't turned into some kind of workaholic robot who only focus on school and work. I don't want to risk my relationship.
c) I haven't gotten the proper driver's license yet. There are three different licenses in my state that you have to get before you can drive on your own with no restrictions. I'm still under restrictions, sadly.

A few of my friends said "Get a job." but I'm still not very sure. Decisions, decisions...

Im in almost same situation.:lol:
a)Im also college freshman and ill need to focus on my studies if i wanna for 5 years to get a pharmacist degree
b)I had to broke up with my bf.He dropped his school when he was 15 and he doesnt understand why his honey is spending 12 hours a day studing.
If ure moving from your parents house ull have to find a job.Ill work as belly dance instructor,cause its smth i like a lot and ive been training it for 5 years anyway.Job can be very interesting.
Anyway,im actualy sad cause im moving from my parents house.My parents are very relaxed when it comes to everything and im going to miss that plus Ill have to pay rent and getting a job with my studing is not going to be easy.:erk:
I would offer my opinion, but it might burst a lot of people's bubbles, so I'll just keep my mouth shut.

On-topic: I'm doing quite well. Got my hair trimmed today, bought a new pair of sneakers, and just finished watching Independence Day with my mom. I know, it's a week early, but whatever, we'll watch it again next week :lol:
@Caroline and vitorias: I'm glad I'm not alone. I hope things go well for you guys too. Decisions still haven't been made on my end, but hopefully, they will be soon.

@Chris: Follow Deadly's advice :lol:
that never stopped me, in fact that's exactly why you should say it :p


In that case, my thoughts to LL, Caroline, and Vitorias are:

If you're going to go to school, put everything you have into school and try your damnedest to succeed at it. If that means you have to live with your parents longer than you'd like and put up with their rules, do it. If that also means you have to spend less time with your significant other, do it. Going to school and learning a profession will give you a much greater chance at succeeding in life and not having to struggle to get by when you are on your own.

Now for the bubble bursting part:
Living on your own is hard as fuck if you're not prepared for it. You have to pay your own bills, pay for your own food, and - if you're renting a place - maintain your living space to the standards of your landlord. It's much easier if you have a place to go back to where you have people that can help you and support you and make your life easier. Plus, parents are more likely to help you out financially if you're living under their roof than if you're living on your own. Trust me, I know. If you're living on your own and you go to your parents asking for money, they'll ask you, "You're living on your own and you have a job. Why can't you handle your own bills?" If you wait until you're done with school and have found a steady job to get your own place, you'll be much better off.

And for those of you mentioning your significant others, I hate to break it to you, but your relationships are much more likely to fail at this point in your lives, when both people have a lot of commitments going on, than they are later in life. It's not a slight against any of you, it's just the facts. People are much more fickle between ages 16 and 24 than they are later in life, so relationships are less likely to be long-term. If I were you, I wouldn't put all my stock in being with your current significant other for the rest of your lives. I'm not saying your relationships are guaranteed to fail, but you need to be prepared for the possibility.

In short, you need to decide what's more important to you. Is it the short-term of being out from under your parent's control and spending a lot of time with your significant other? Or is it the long-term of getting an education and being successful in life? It's up to you, but in this case, it's damn near impossible to have both.
I'm doing okay. Bumped into some friends earlier. & I got my film developed.
The pictures didn't come out as I expected but, I was just testing the camera. I haven't used it in years. Ah well.