The return of the "How are you today?" thread

In that case, my thoughts to LL, Caroline, and Vitorias are:

If you're going to go to school, put everything you have into school and try your damnedest to succeed at it. If that means you have to live with your parents longer than you'd like and put up with their rules, do it. If that also means you have to spend less time with your significant other, do it. Going to school and learning a profession will give you a much greater chance at succeeding in life and not having to struggle to get by when you are on your own.

Now for the bubble bursting part:
Living on your own is hard as fuck if you're not prepared for it. You have to pay your own bills, pay for your own food, and - if you're renting a place - maintain your living space to the standards of your landlord. It's much easier if you have a place to go back to where you have people that can help you and support you and make your life easier. Plus, parents are more likely to help you out financially if you're living under their roof than if you're living on your own. Trust me, I know. If you're living on your own and you go to your parents asking for money, they'll ask you, "You're living on your own and you have a job. Why can't you handle your own bills?" If you wait until you're done with school and have found a steady job to get your own place, you'll be much better off.

And for those of you mentioning your significant others, I hate to break it to you, but your relationships are much more likely to fail at this point in your lives, when both people have a lot of commitments going on, than they are later in life. It's not a slight against any of you, it's just the facts. People are much more fickle between ages 16 and 24 than they are later in life, so relationships are less likely to be long-term. If I were you, I wouldn't put all my stock in being with your current significant other for the rest of your lives. I'm not saying your relationships are guaranteed to fail, but you need to be prepared for the possibility.

In short, you need to decide what's more important to you. Is it the short-term of being out from under your parent's control and spending a lot of time with your significant other? Or is it the long-term of getting an education and being successful in life? It's up to you, but in this case, it's damn near impossible to have both.

I know people who have done both. (i.e. my parents, as hard as that may be to believe). My parents were married and had a two year old son and my mom had enrolled in college after undergoing NA training and my dad enrolled in a machining program at a local technical college. Another example would be a friend of mine that I graduated with just recently. She went through NA training as well and she has a ten month old child and a husband to support. She's going on to hopefully get a nursing degree like I am.

About the relationship thing, two people who love each other and are dedicated to each other will stick together through thick and thin. Sure, I'm in college now and Nathaniel plans on going when he can, but our time is divided evenly. We know when to focus on school and other commitments, and we know when to focus on each other. And when we feel like the time is right, we will be getting married.

The thing is, you never know how things are going to work out.
I know people who have done both. (i.e. my parents, as hard as that may be to believe). My parents were married and had a two year old son and my mom had enrolled in college after undergoing NA training and my dad enrolled in a machining program at a local technical college. Another example would be a friend of mine that I graduated with just recently. She went through NA training as well and she has a ten month old child and a husband to support. She's going on to hopefully get a nursing degree like I am.

About the relationship thing, two people who love each other and are dedicated to each other will stick together through thick and thin. Sure, I'm in college now and Nathaniel plans on going when he can, but our time is divided evenly. We know when to focus on school and other commitments, and we know when to focus on each other. And when we feel like the time is right, we will be getting married.

The thing is, you never know how things are going to work out.

i see i'll have to get a bigger needle to poke through your bubble
ah well, it's good to have hopes, i guess... but it's so gooddamn cheesy :lol:
Yeah, hate to burst anyones bubble but things almost never end up as you plan anyway so just live as much in the moment as you can and leave the troubles of 10 years after to 10 years after :lol:
My day is getting even more awesome. I just made plans to go out with my boyfriend and his family (possibly including his little niece who I love to death) this weekend to a well-known fireworks show in the next county. It's even gonna be televised! I'm so excited! :D
Quite okey, woke up around 12:00, have been down to the bank to fix some stuff but their internet had failed or something so i could not... instead, i biked away to the "trafic-school" and study for an hour.

And now i'm about to get to the tobacco-shop and bet on fotball!
I'm doing okay. Aside from wishing that my aunt would kick her husband out on his ass already (which she won't do), today's been good. I'm well rested, but wanting to go back to sleep for some odd reason. *shrugs*
My day started out sucking because I found out that Seemless was breaking up. But it just got fucking awesome because I just found out I won Disarmonia Mundi's MySpace contest and will be receiving free copies of their remastered first album, "Nebularium," and an EP of rare and unreleased tracks, "The Restless Memoirs." Fuck yeah!
I'm fucking ace, considering i was really ill earlier but I went out & had the fucking time of my life. I danced + raved all nighht. Still buzzinnngg. :D :D :D :D :D :D

Hm now the energy drinks are kicking in
^ Haha nice. That is kind of sad about Seemless, but only because I like Jesse; Alive Or Just Breathing is still one of my favorite music albums to this day.

Mine too, although I liked Seemless for their own music as well. And Derek is one of the best drummers I've ever heard, skill-wise. The man has the best internal metronome I've ever heard from any drummer I've seen live.