The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Do you have all evening classes? =p

Actually I graduated over summer. Took 4 classes and got it all out of the way instead of staying an extra quarter. Now I'm doing an internship in beverly hills, but it's only 2 times a week. hence, I can manage being a zombie during the day for 2 days a week, and wake up at noon for the rest of the week.

How's school going for you?
Doing surprisingly good in all my courses (ie: At least 88%-97% on everything, lowest mark so far was 82%)... in our Design class which is taught by the biggest hippy stereotype teacher we had to hand in a sketchbook with 35 sketches. I can't draw worth shit nor do I give a fuck to learn so I just drew random memes. Turned out pretty good, and funny. She's gonna shit a brick at some of them, and maybe have a seizure at my philosoraptor drawing.
ugh, my dj night got screwed over by nu metal! I play God Dethroned, use bathroom, come back, and he's playing DISTURBED.

Now if you want to play your music, by all means, but not on my time.

that and I just wanted Nerve's attention :p
I'd rather listen to the ambient sound of the plumbing in the bathroom than either



Its midnight and the fucking 400lbs dog upstairs is howling and barking like crazy because it can't stand being left alone for more than 20 seconds. Been going since I got home fucking four hours ago.

Bright side.
I fucking move out of this festering ghetto shit hole this weekend, win!