The School/Uni Thread

A buddy of mine actually met his current gf from a university party (costumed halloween party even). It is not impossible by any means, it's just that the undergrad environment in general seems more conducive to having a good time with little commitment involved.

Speaking of school, the fucking workload is already piling up for me. Not cool. Though, to be fair, the projects themselves don't seem to be that hard as of yet. Weirdly, when I came back to school a couple weeks ago I found out I got a decent $1000 scholarship for just having good grades. Nice of them to tell me, if the OSAP officer didn't inform me of it I would not have known.
Ooooo. Got ma classes, bitches.

Birth of Europe
Peace, Imperialism, and War
Rise of the West
Learning History (such bullshit, a talk group basically...)
Semiotics (symbols, etc)
Marxist Aesthetics (that bastard, Marx!)
My Cold War History class is alright. I like the subject, but the prof. is old and hard of hearing and smells like shit, but it's ok because we're watching Dr. Strangelove on Tuesday.
Ooooo. Got ma classes, bitches.

Birth of Europe
Peace, Imperialism, and War
Rise of the West
Learning History (such bullshit, a talk group basically...)
Semiotics (symbols, etc)
Marxist Aesthetics (that bastard, Marx!)

that sounds really cool.

id love a degree in history, but i cant get myself to do core classes.

i wish certificate programs meant somthing.
4 day weekend!!!!!!!!
im gettin an A in everything but physics. and I have a 67 in there :lol:. to tutorials i go!
I was always fascinated by the subject(physics) but was merely average at it. Got a 75 on my final exam, surprisingly enough. In the yearbook under my picture they wrote: "Alex always gets his most brilliant ideas at Physics lessons." I would start solving a problem using a given set of formulas, write three pages of developments and calculations and end up coming back to the same formula from which I started.:p
I'm up at Penn State... total party skewl... It's got lots of stuff. I've been here for 3 months and I just yesterday found this incredible headshop. Gots me a Pantera flag and a big bag of Salvia! It was pretty funny sitting on the bench smoking the salvia.