The School/Uni Thread

I just finished selecting the songs and writing a 3-page explanation of how these songs reflect my past, present and future. I have to select these songs and play a couple of them for my Education Seminar class tomorrow. Basically, I have to describe my life through these songs, so I chose:

Deathspell Omega - "Third Prayer"

This song makes me feel like when I was child in church, sitting in a pew while my father played the organ and my mother sang in the choir. Growing up Catholic, this was a weekly scenario. At St. Paul Church in Harvard Square, Cambridge Mass. I was immersed in music, which helped me gain an appreciation for classical music, as well as maintain my foundation as a faithful Catholic. Since I have started attending college, this weekly ritual has ceased, so this song helps me reconnect with the surroundings of my past.

Nachtmystium - "Chosen By No One"
This song, through the title especially, reminds me of my solitary childhood in which I had very few friends and felt left out of most social groups at school; I was “chosen by no one” and was forced to cope with life as an independent individual. My social awkwardness was certainly not a quality to be proud of, but it did help prepare me to become a self-sufficient person, rather than a slave to popular trends and perceptions. Despite this benefit, my childhood was still lonely, with only a few friends to share experiences.

Slayer - "Dissident Aggressor"
The chorus of this song reflects one life lesson that defines my present self. Joining the high school wrestling team was one of most significant choices I have made in life, and the effects upon my physical and mental self have shaped who I am now. “Dissident Agressor” reminds me to “stand [and] fight” whatever challenge I face, whether it be the physical battles on the mat, or the academic battles I fight every day when I see a tough workload to conquer. Now I am serious about my education, when before I simply took it for granted. It’s this determination that put me here, and I promise myself to continue facing life’s challenges day in and day out.

Hypocrisy - "Roswell 47"
This song was introduced to me by my best friend Nick, who now attends the University of Toronto. Starting with this song, I began my journey into the world of metal music, which has become my passion and is a significant part of who I am. Metal has given me a sense of belonging with a group of people who are not enslaved by mainstream trends. Collecting metal music is my dominant hobby, and I spend many hours each day listening to metal while completing other tasks such as doing schoolwork or just relaxing. Better yet, metal has helped me make friends on campus, for it is a parameter on which I can better find people who share a common interest. Metal music bears a stronger sense of kinship than most other musical trends, and I am glad to be one of those kin.

Emperor - Alsvartr (The Oath)"
This is the prelude track to one of my favorite albums of all time, Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, and it is fitting than an introductory piece be the soundtrack to my prospective future. The song slowly builds, creating feelings of tension regarding what is to come. This tension can apply to the feelings I may have about my future. Suddenly the track erupts into a fanfare and triumphant march, as I have realized what it is I wish to pursue in life: the teaching of Latin to a new generation who, without my help, would certainly lose their appreciation of Latin and its importance to one’s education and understanding of language and culture. When I hear the trumpeting conclusion to this track, I imagine the streets of ancient Rome, packed with citizens voicing praise to the victorious Emperor. Emperor is the band who wrote this song, so it is appropriate that one of a Latin teacher’s favorite bands be this one. Latin is my academic passion, and I intend to keep that passion aflame in the future and to spread that flame to the minds of our nation’s youth.

Borknagar - "Colossus"
This song is indeed one I can really connect with. Examining the lyrics of this song shows how one learns to accept the eternal cycle of creation and death in the universe; “nothing but the process is infinite”, which is a reminder that life is finite against the infinite process of time. Knowing this motivates me to make the most of my life, and to fill this finite space of time with as much meaning as possible. By devoting my life to teaching, I want to spend this life making an impact of the lives of others, by helping them understand the past through medium of the lingua Latina. By understanding the past, my students can better understand their present and prospective futures, and come to appreciate how precious their time is if they intend to make an impact upon the infinite process of history that is written one day at a time.
I just finished selecting the songs and writing a 3-page explanation of how these songs reflect my past, present and future. I have to select these songs and play a couple of them for my Education Seminar class tomorrow. Basically, I have to describe my life through these songs, so I chose:

Deathspell Omega - "Third Prayer"

This song makes me feel like when I was child in church, sitting in a pew while my father played the organ and my mother sang in the choir. Growing up Catholic, this was a weekly scenario. At St. Paul Church in Harvard Square, Cambridge Mass. I was immersed in music, which helped me gain an appreciation for classical music, as well as maintain my foundation as a faithful Catholic. Since I have started attending college, this weekly ritual has ceased, so this song helps me reconnect with the surroundings of my past.

Nachtmystium - "Chosen By No One"
This song, through the title especially, reminds me of my solitary childhood in which I had very few friends and felt left out of most social groups at school; I was “chosen by no one” and was forced to cope with life as an independent individual. My social awkwardness was certainly not a quality to be proud of, but it did help prepare me to become a self-sufficient person, rather than a slave to popular trends and perceptions. Despite this benefit, my childhood was still lonely, with only a few friends to share experiences.

Slayer - "Dissident Aggressor"
The chorus of this song reflects one life lesson that defines my present self. Joining the high school wrestling team was one of most significant choices I have made in life, and the effects upon my physical and mental self have shaped who I am now. “Dissident Agressor” reminds me to “stand [and] fight” whatever challenge I face, whether it be the physical battles on the mat, or the academic battles I fight every day when I see a tough workload to conquer. Now I am serious about my education, when before I simply took it for granted. It’s this determination that put me here, and I promise myself to continue facing life’s challenges day in and day out.

Hypocrisy - "Roswell 47"
This song was introduced to me by my best friend Nick, who now attends the University of Toronto. Starting with this song, I began my journey into the world of metal music, which has become my passion and is a significant part of who I am. Metal has given me a sense of belonging with a group of people who are not enslaved by mainstream trends. Collecting metal music is my dominant hobby, and I spend many hours each day listening to metal while completing other tasks such as doing schoolwork or just relaxing. Better yet, metal has helped me make friends on campus, for it is a parameter on which I can better find people who share a common interest. Metal music bears a stronger sense of kinship than most other musical trends, and I am glad to be one of those kin.

Emperor - Alsvartr (The Oath)"
This is the prelude track to one of my favorite albums of all time, Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, and it is fitting than an introductory piece be the soundtrack to my prospective future. The song slowly builds, creating feelings of tension regarding what is to come. This tension can apply to the feelings I may have about my future. Suddenly the track erupts into a fanfare and triumphant march, as I have realized what it is I wish to pursue in life: the teaching of Latin to a new generation who, without my help, would certainly lose their appreciation of Latin and its importance to one’s education and understanding of language and culture. When I hear the trumpeting conclusion to this track, I imagine the streets of ancient Rome, packed with citizens voicing praise to the victorious Emperor. Emperor is the band who wrote this song, so it is appropriate that one of a Latin teacher’s favorite bands be this one. Latin is my academic passion, and I intend to keep that passion aflame in the future and to spread that flame to the minds of our nation’s youth.

Borknagar - "Colossus"
This song is indeed one I can really connect with. Examining the lyrics of this song shows how one learns to accept the eternal cycle of creation and death in the universe; “nothing but the process is infinite”, which is a reminder that life is finite against the infinite process of time. Knowing this motivates me to make the most of my life, and to fill this finite space of time with as much meaning as possible. By devoting my life to teaching, I want to spend this life making an impact of the lives of others, by helping them understand the past through medium of the lingua Latina. By understanding the past, my students can better understand their present and prospective futures, and come to appreciate how precious their time is if they intend to make an impact upon the infinite process of history that is written one day at a time.
i like the order of it all and the deep underlying meaning.
Nachtmystium - "Chosen By No One"
This song, through the title especially, reminds me of my solitary childhood in which I had very few friends and felt left out of most social groups at school; I was “chosen by no one” and was forced to cope with life as an independent individual. My social awkwardness was certainly not a quality to be proud of, but it did help prepare me to become a self-sufficient person, rather than a slave to popular trends and perceptions. Despite this benefit, my childhood was still lonely, with only a few friends to share experiences.


This is how my childhood was in the gth/6th grade.

Nice job on it though, I had to do a similar thing last year.
anybody here have any success finding a g/f or b/f in college?

I haven't had any so far, very few decent looking girls in my classes and they are all taken

do you guys just randomly go around school and try to pick up random girls?
no LOL This won't turn into a PUA discussion thread

just wondering if anybody here has found a mate in any of their classes? everybody always talks about college as the best place to meet girls, I haven't seen that so far.
anybody here have any success finding a g/f or b/f in college?

I haven't had any so far, very few decent looking girls in my classes and they are all taken

do you guys just randomly go around school and try to pick up random girls?

If you're looking for pussy, college is a relatively easy place to find it no matter where you go. As far as boyfriends/girlfriends go, good fucking luck.
I'll bite Dave.

I have met many more girls in the first two weeks of college so far than I did pretty much the entirety of high school. I am an introverted person so being very social is kind of like work for me. However what I've done is to put myself out there. Go to the common room or dining hall or cafe or wherever instead of your room/home. Also join some clubs. I joined the Secular Alliance and met some great people there. I've found by doing this meeting people will happen naturally. I haven't "hooked up" or gone to any parties yet but those are things I highly doubt I would enjoy.

Anyway, I think I've wasted enough time. Try not to be an asshole.
We know, you say it every day. You don't need to continue saying it every day.

Just go to parties, that's where the bottom of the barrel is.