The School/Uni Thread

That applies to's still a lot of work. Also, it's not like since it is art and since art is subjective and based in opinion and aesthetic, you can suddenly just do "anything." Profs are really critical of how you follow assignments and won't take "it looks sloppy because that's how I envisioned the art to be inside my head because sloppy = passion" or whatever excuse...they'll just give you a shit grade and everyone will laugh at you. :p

But anyway, I hate technical drawing and painting, so I'm glad this upcoming semester is my last before graphic and web design.
I haven't had school on a Friday since high school...though I have a final on Friday this week.
Mmmmm not really. at least not at my Uni. the theatre students I know, and I know a good handful of them, are always busy. one of my friends is a theatre tech, and he's constantly busy working on shows. the actors and actresses are even more worked and stressed.

on a side note, I finally wrote my paper for my English class...the one I surveyed the high school students for...heh...I surveyed 95 students rather than my impression of 170. Whatever. I'm not good with numbers, hence why I'm an english major. I think the paper turned out pretty good.
My Latin final exam was just posted. Gotta love online courses. It's due Friday at midnight, so I'll probably do it on Wednesday. For now I've got three exams to study for for Monday and Tuesday.

Part I. Translation. Translate the following passage. Be as literal as possible.

1. Ego vos hortor ut amicitiam omnibus rebus humanis anteponatis.

2. Sentio equidem, excepta sapientia, nihil melius homini a deis

3. immortalibus datum esse. Divitias alii anteponunt; alii, salutem; alii,

4. potestatem; alii, honores; multi, etiam, voluptates. Illa autem

5. incerta sunt, posita non tam in consiliis nostris quam in fortunae

6. vicissitudinibus. Qui autem in virtute summum bonum ponunt, bene

7. illi quidem faciunt; sed ex ipsa virtute amicitia nascitur nec sine

8. virtute amicitia esse potest.

9. Quis est qui velit in omnium rerum abundantia ita vivere ut neque

10. diligat quemquem neque ipse ab ullo diligatur? Haec enim est

11. tyrannorum vita, in qua nulla fides, nulla caritas, nulla

12. benevolentia potest esse; omnia semper metuuntur, nullus locus

13. est amicitiae. Quis enim aut eum diligat quem metuat aut eum a

14. quo se metui putet? Multi autem se ceciderunt, ut saepe fit, tum

15. intellegunt quam inopes amicorum fuerint. Quid vero stultius quam

16. cetera parare quae parantur pecunia sed amicos non parare,

17. optimam et pulcherrimam quasi supelectilem vitae?

(adapted from Cicero, De Amicitia)

Part II. Respondete Latine, quaeso. (Please respond in COMPLETE Latin sentences!)

1. Quid hortatur Cicero? Cur?

2. Quae alii amicitiae anteponunt?

3. Cur sunt haec incerta?

4. Ex qua amicitia nascitur?

5. Cur est vita sine amicitia quasi vita tyrannorum?

6. Cur est is amor qui in amicitia invenietur tam gravis (important) hominibus?

Part III. Locate the following forms, found in your reading passage. Please give the line and the form.

1. deliberative subjunctive:

2. indirect command:

3. comparative adjective:

4. complementary infinitive:

5. Relative clause of characteristic:

6. superlative adjective:

Extra credit: How has the study of Latin improved your knowledge, understanding and abilities in English?