The School/Uni Thread

My highest grades in Uni so far have been in Organic and Physical Chemistry.

btw, what the fuck does being good a the periodic table mean?
Seems like most people are students here. I feel old. I graduated Tufts University (quite a jewhole, I must add) in 2000, and then went back to school to get my Masters a few years later. I like working better than being a student, having gone through both undergraduate and post-graduate programs.
I must confess. Honors Chem was the only subject I ever had to cheat on tests for. I programmed formulas/other things I had to memorize into my graphing calculator. It was the only class I ever felt threatened not to pass.
I seriously don't understand you guys. Honors Chemistry is so easy. Every single type of problem is solved the exact same way.
I'm strong at math, although not in all areas equally. I sometimes help the students whom I am supervising with their final exams. Which is against regulations, obviously, but to hell with them.
Maybe if you weren't a fucking idiot and understood other people's situations you wouldn't be such a faggot? Why are you so fucking stupid in English? It's easy as hell. Suck a dick and die.
What I'm saying is that it's an easy course, so the hatred is unwarranted. I can accept a teacher making it hard, but with the right teacher, you can easily see this.
Just because you find something easy doesn't mean it's a universal truth. Different people have different strengths, which are often tied to their interests. You actually enjoy shit like this, I don't. I enjoy literature and philosophy and politics. And I'm good at that. And I find it easy. Do you?
I thought honors chemistry was easy, too. Chemistry is like a math class where everything has easy to define limits, just by giving you the name of one element in a reaction or compound you're told so much about the problem, like what other elements it can bond to, it's molar mass, protons, neutrons, electrons blah blah... Every variable has a huge set of givens in chemistry.