The Second Coming of the Great Political Thread

Who ya voting for?

  • Clinton

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Romney

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edwards

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Thompson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • McCain

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Huckabee

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Obama

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • Guiliani

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • Other/Undecided/Gon't give a damn/Not American

    Votes: 19 48.7%

  • Total voters
Did you think that money goes down the toilet? The gov't buys military supplies from US corporations and it hires US contractors. Some of the money spent is reclaimed in tax dollars, and another large chunk of it is the income of people who work in defense or other fields that profit from war. Much of this is reinvested in the economy, and at worst it sits in bank accounts. The money doesn't go away.

It's not the best use of tax dollars, but war spending is not as destructive as some people believe. If the US leaves Iraq within 1-4 years, that would probably be okay. Other things should be priorities.
Good call MoL. I need to pay attention to the economy shit more. I tend to follow the religious right and what they are doing.
Other things should be priorities.

Like socialized health care? :lol:

Though this is just one guy's opinion (though he has worked in the industry and therefore has a pretty good grasp on what he and others like him believe):

Yes, you do have a right to health care, just as you have a right to food, shelter and property. However, you have no "right" to force others to provide these things for you - All "free" medical care is paid for through taxes stolen from other people.

This is unethical and for the most part, true. It's not like "free" healthcare is just some brilliant fucking idea that solves everything immediately.

Suddenly your problems are mine and mine are yours. If you are eating unhealthy foods or driving a motorcycle without a helmet, I have a direct interest in your business - you are going to see a doctor on my tax dollars

FUCKING RIGHT, this is a big problem in a socialist system of any kind. We have the right to privacy, and if that means people who can't afford healthcare not getting it, I'm not giving up my privacy rights. Dodens, you claim to look out for other people; how would you feel as a taxpayer (which you aren't currently spending a lot on afaik so the magnitude of said situation hasn't hit you; obviously I don't either, but I've considered this) if your neighbor was constantly smoking and was using your (and others') tax money to receive "free" nicotine patches and gums, or other more expensive treatments? You'd want to go fucking punch him; fuck socialized healthcare. The current system needs work too, but going in a government-provided "free" direction really isn't going to help things.
Like socialized health care? :lol:

Though this is just one guy's opinion (though he has worked in the industry and therefore has a pretty good grasp on what he and others like him believe):

Yes, you do have a right to health care, just as you have a right to food, shelter and property. However, you have no "right" to force others to provide these things for you - All "free" medical care is paid for through taxes stolen from other people.

This is unethical and for the most part, true. It's not like "free" healthcare is just some brilliant fucking idea that solves everything immediately.

Suddenly your problems are mine and mine are yours. If you are eating unhealthy foods or driving a motorcycle without a helmet, I have a direct interest in your business - you are going to see a doctor on my tax dollars

FUCKING RIGHT, this is a big problem in a socialist system of any kind. We have the right to privacy, and if that means people who can't afford healthcare not getting it, I'm not giving up my privacy rights. Dodens, you claim to look out for other people; how would you feel as a taxpayer (which you aren't currently spending a lot on afaik so the magnitude of said situation hasn't hit you; obviously I don't either, but I've considered this) if your neighbor was constantly smoking and was using your (and others') tax money to receive "free" nicotine patches and gums, or other more expensive treatments? You'd want to go fucking punch him; fuck socialized healthcare. The current system needs work too, but going in a government-provided "free" direction really isn't going to help things.

Marry me?

I mean..
Most people do not realize the broad reaching benefits of national health care. By taking the burden of health care off of our larger corporations, it allows them to cut costs and be more competitive internationally, thus bringing into the country a lot of the money needed for care.

Just look at cars for example. An insane amount of the money people pay for American cars goes towards health care for auto workers, who have a strong union. US auto prices would drop substantially enough to take a big chunk of the market back from Japan, if automakers didn't have that burden. That's more money going to American business. US autos could also be way more competitive overseas.

It just seems like none of the candidates seem concerned about the weakening value of the dollar, and they continue to bother with faux-issues like Iraq, gay marriage, and flag burning.

Prices for a lot of shit would drop if unions were abolished completely.
You have so many more important issues to reconcile with the way that your taxes are spent than your fat neighbor smoking cigarettes...holy shit, trust me.
V.V.V.V.V. and Ozzman are more libertarian and thus concerned with negative rights i.e. freedoms from things, while Nec and I are more concerned with positive rights i.e. liberty to have things. Of course any system includes both. Libertarian values are built more or less on greed ("You can't take my money with taxes"). If you were born in famine-ravaged sub-Saharan Africa, the right to property and freedom from taxes wouldn't mean shit. Positive rights are the more universal rights, and we should be working harder towards these ends.

Some Americans still have this weird Cold War hangover that makes them think socialized medicine is a step towards communism, which obviously hasn't been the case in Canada, England, etc. Several other aspects of the American economy are socialized anyway.
And then if you get in a car accident and can't pay your bill so they pull the plug?

Fuck you.

They won't pull the plug you fucktard

The majority of hospitals will treat you in the ER if the injury is very serious, regardless of proof of insurance.

Besides, the health care system in Canada isn't that much better than the one here.
I'm a diehard Democrat, so Clinton/Obama. I can't really decide who is better. However, with Hilary, it would almost be like having Bill back in office (he would surely have a lot of input), and that's definitely a good thing.
Besides, the health care system in Canada isn't that much better than the one here.

It's fuckin' awful tbh.

Also the argument about "if you were born in some destitute piece of shit place you wouldn't complain about people taking your money that you work hard for DUHRHRR!!" is ridiculously irrelevant.

Of course societies are going to need a balance of positive and negative rights, though.