The Second Coming of the Great Political Thread

Who ya voting for?

  • Clinton

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Romney

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edwards

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Thompson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • McCain

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Huckabee

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Obama

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • Guiliani

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • Other/Undecided/Gon't give a damn/Not American

    Votes: 19 48.7%

  • Total voters
I'm pretty sure that whatever class I lived in, I would be pissed if people took the money I worked hard for. V5 is right and if you say that, then you obviously don't have any money that you work hard for.
Yeah, I believe in 'negative' rights if you choose to call them that.
It's not a point of argument. These are definitions used in moral philosophy. Hence the link. I didn't want you to think I was injecting opinion into what negative and positive mean in this context.

I don't understand why people get so upset about being taxed. The government is approximating an equal burden on all people for the myriad of services it provides. Rich people pay a higher percent than poor people, but the goal is to make the sting of (income) taxes equal on all people. They're not picking on you in particular. I don't like like paying taxes and I would rather have that money myself, but taxes are more than a fair price for the quality of life ensured by the government. If you don't want government services you can go live in Sudan.

I'm not going to pat myself on the back for working so hard, and claim that I can put that money to better use than the government. I would probably buy more material things and so would you.
I'm pretty sure that whatever class I lived in, I would be pissed if people took the money I worked hard for. V5 is right and if you say that, then you obviously don't have any money that you work hard for.

Enjoy no roads, no parks, no police force, no firefighters and no public schools.
It's not a point of argument. These are definitions used in moral philosophy. Hence the link. I didn't want you to think I was injecting opinion into what negative and positive mean in this context.

I don't understand why people get so upset about being taxed. The government is approximating an equal burden on all people for the myriad of services it provides. Rich people pay a higher percent than poor people, but the goal is to make the sting of (income) taxes equal on all people. They're not picking on you in particular. I don't like like paying taxes and I would rather have that money myself, but taxes are more than a fair price for the quality of life ensured by the government. If you don't want government services you can go live in Sudan.

I'm not going to pat myself on the back for working so hard, and claim that I can put that money to better use than the government. I would probably buy more material things and so would you.

Well, of course taxes are necessary and I wasn't trying to imply that they weren't (I apologize if I did). If we didn't have taxes, we couldn't have police or fire departments, which would be a huge burden on all of us obviously. Taxes are needed for that type of thing, but not health care/social security/etc for all citizens. The government shouldn't have to provide for that. We can all thank FDR for this mess.
Why should the government have to provide for any of the other things mentioned? They were all originally locally maintained by citizens.
Besides, the health care system in Canada isn't that much better than the one here.
But EVERYONE there gets treated without crippling cost to them. That to me is more important than having lower taxes.

I agree completely with MasterOLightning. I don't see taxing as "stealing" from me. The government takes what it needs to function and to provide me and the rest of the citizens of this country with a good life. As long as I have some say in where the money is spent, I am fine with it. I find Libertarianism just stupid for the most part. I want to be free to do what I want and have the services which make my life better available. The only way to do this is to have a government that is financially able to help its citizens.

As for the original poll I voted Clinton because that is my favorite of the legitimate candidate. I'll be happy if a democrat wins though.
More like they get treated eventually

Questions for all the Canucks here:

How does malpractice work up there? Are the doctors held responsible or is the provincial government held responsible or both?
I'm a diehard Democrat, so Clinton/Obama. I can't really decide who is better. However, with Hilary, it would almost be like having Bill back in office (he would surely have a lot of input), and that's definitely a good thing.

Agreed. I'm hoping that whoever loses the democratic nomination becomes the other's VP. In other words I'm hoping that Obama will become Hilary's VP.

More like a bad thing


One thing is for sure, there is no way that whoever is elected will be worse than George W. Bush (the worst president in the history of the US, IMO).

There were some terrible presidents in the 1800's, but yeah probably.

Actually I'd rather have Bush than Romney.
lol at assuming Obama is going to be a contender (not saying he won't and he probably will, but it's still lol).

Honestly, if Hillary gets the nomination and wins the election, it's just going to be another 4 years of Bill Clinton basically.
lol at assuming Obama is going to be a contender (not saying he won't and he probably will, but it's still lol).

Honestly, if Hillary gets the nomination and wins the election, it's just going to be another 4 years of Bill Clinton basically.

Both of these statements are either stupid or wrong.
It should be pretty obvious why for anybody that actually pays attention to current US political news.
The second was just me being really stubborn and opinionated. He'll have some influence on what she does, seeing as he's been the President for 8 years of his life, but it won't be like people who are in the Cabinet or anything.