my mom opened my fucking mail...didnt know i was getting two packages so i threw the first one i saw in the trunk without thinking and later i found the one i wanted to put in my trunk half opened on the kitchen table. wtf
nah im not wasted rn but i might be later
Cool man.
I'm not. I'm not risking anymore increased auditory hallucinations or stimulants that make my paranoia rise.
I've come to the conclusion THC just makes me freak out worse.
nah i dont smoke weed rn because its too hard to hide im talking about pills
Thanks mate!Good stuff jimmy! I've got some rap lyrics to finish sometime. I'm sure my track will belong in the Shitposting Thread more than yours. Based on the structure so far, I'll just be belting out whole verses at a time without taking a breath anywhere within them, so that helps.
just cut the umbilical cord alreadymy mom opened my fucking mail...
A funny related tidbit I heard the other day is that the glans is shaped the way it is because it has allowed the penis to scoop out the sperm of other males from inside the vagina. Think about that the next time you look at your dick.
You're probably too late @Terasophe his 2 second fuse went off 4 hours ago.
Although he can probably stick that one in the wank bank for later