The Shitposting Thread

i went out to the woods
got twacked-the-fuck-out on a shit-ton of crystal meth
and i forgot to come back to civilization for a while
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Ladies & gentlemen, it's time for the annual awards ceremony known as... The Jimmys!


This year's recipients:

Biggest garbage-man: @Slammed
I think it says quite a bit when someone's most serious posts can be found in the Anthrax forum. Where I come from the garbage man usually comes once a week, but for the past year Slammed has graced us with his presence on a daily basis with shitpost after glorious shitpost. Absolutely stunk up the joint in the battle-rap thread to boot. May his god-awful "dad jokes" continue to live on in infamy.

Most drug-fucked poster: @HadesRagnazrath
Well, it was a really tough choice between young Hades & our resident cracklord, Blurry Dreams, but I feel that Hades deserves to take out the gong purely for being so experimental with his drug use. The combination of such a bottom-barrel selection of drugs & his own personal urolagnia definitely helped get the talented young upstart over the line. It really takes some dedication for someone to throw away their life with such gusto at such a young age. I really do feel that if he continues along his path he will one day meet up with his father-figure, Blurry.

The "Tom Cruise" award: @TechnicalBarbarity
Tech took this one home in a canter, really no contest here. Poor fellow gets uncomfortable watching women's MMA, has a fetish for photoshopping fellow forum users in the most homosexual of settings, seems to know way too much about dildos & seemingly has a really tough time embracing who he really is. I shudder to think what his search history is like.

Worst poster of the year: @Bruticus
Many, many candidates for this award, but Bruticus certainly tops the list. Special mention must go to Nick1975.

Best poster of the year: @DarkDragon
If you're unfamiliar with this relative phenom of the forum check out this thread (Greetings from Europe). DarkDragon only made a couple of posts during his illustrious tenure, but hit it out of the park both times.
The fact that you mention me first, no matter what words you added after it makes me all warm and fuzzy.
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I don't need accolades and prestige, your warmth and fuzziness are more than enough to help me sleep at nights.
Jimmy with one of those crossdressing book readers from the local library.
haha is that thing there too? I was at one of the bookstores around here a few months back and saw a flier where they were having some kind of tranny day where they read books to people in the store and i was literally scratching my head and thinking "what in the fuck". The jimmies are taking over
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