The Shitposting Thread

Protesters complain about everything these days. They even complained about this big movie sign in Brisbane.

Yeah in Melbourne specifically, probably other areas too but that one made the news due to some controversy involving protesting parents. Would have loved to see you do a double-take in real life. :lol:


haha now imagine me walking in there while it was going down. I would wreck everyone(emotionally) in that store and walk out looking smug as fuck ...
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I'd really love to know who made the "unfortunate and inconsiderate mistake" of putting that Terminator sign out the front of an abortion clinic. Even I'd think twice about being that much of a cunt.
I'd really love to know who made the "unfortunate and inconsiderate mistake" of putting that Terminator sign out the front of an abortion clinic. Even I'd think twice about being that much of a cunt.

Maybe they were hinting that the film itself should be aborted?

Seriously one of the best gifs ever.
Best poster of the year: @DarkDragon
If you're unfamiliar with this relative phenom of the forum check out this thread (Greetings from Europe). DarkDragon only made a couple of posts during his illustrious tenure, but hit it out of the park both times.
I missed this and now he's edited them and no surviving posts were decent enough to quote anything he said. You'll have to paraphrase it here or put a theatre reenactment on YouTube or something.
I missed this and now he's edited them and no surviving posts were decent enough to quote anything he said. You'll have to paraphrase it here or put a theatre reenactment on YouTube or something.
I actually never saw his original posts either, but his posts just had this certain panache to them.
You didn't expect me to award it to any of the guys that regularly post in here did you, brother? That would be a violation of the zero encouragement policy I have for these blokes.