The Shitposting Thread

so i just watched some Australian cunt named Turnbull use the slaying of Greeks, Assyrians and the Armenian Genocide to segue into a fucking pro turkish/muzzie speech. It was filled with so many inaccuracies that it was mindboggling. Turnbullshit.
The only noted Turnbull I know of in this country who is a cunt is that last Prime Minister. Ole Turbo Turnbull was hated by fans of his own party, loved by fans of the opposition and a useless cunt who did nothing. He was a shrewd business man in the real world but I wouldn't have thought he'd do too many pro muslim speeches.
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Is this him?

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damn, i knew that face looked familiar ....

Nah that's Jimmy and Scott Morrison (ScoMo as he insists he should be called), he's the current useless cunt in charge. He's just as useful as Turbo but he's a different kind of cunt. They both backstabbed their leaders to get to the top, although Turbo did it to 3 or 4 times before he made it ScoMo only had to do it to once. They both are fucking useless in power and they both think god is going to save the country. Turbo is rich beyond his means an got their by his daddy's fortune and some clever business decisions with IT companies. ScoMo just thinks thoughts and prayers will save us all, but that's not his fault he's too fucking dumb to believe in anything else.
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He went from what i thought was going to be a truthful speech where he even referred to those slayings as what they were, a genocide ... to basically THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE WAS GREAT, ISLAM IS GREAT. That speech was littered with so many inaccuracies, like for example saying "the jews and other minorities had a much better and safer experience under the Ottoman empire than they did in the Christian west" :lol: ... and this was literally seconds after saying "they killed millions of people simply for not being turks". holy fuck what a moron. the ottoman empire literally annexed the lands of all of those people(and "made" modern day turkey) and then decided to purge their stolen lands of those same minorities(Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians and even jews) they stole those lands from
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I think he's talking about the parliamentary speech that happened back in 2011, seems to be what comes up linking Turbo to any Greek/Armenian speech. If it is that speech it's basically just another parliamentary privileged speech that meant nothing in the big scheme of things. Little more than a speech to control the side of the house that gets to speak and a means of filling in time so they don't have to debate the serious topics that mean something to the country.
Shlomo Morrisonberg even received a Jerusalem Prize. Here's his thank you speech:

Israel is the polaris star above the cut and thrust of the things that we deal with on a daily basis. It’s a beacon of democracy. A country governed by the rule of law with a free press infused with a multicultural character and aligned with our great ally, the United States.

Not too many of them in that part of the world.

Like us, Israel grapples with its arid natural environment, an ancient land
(***said the thief to the thieves). And seeks to build a strong economy – and is very successful at it – based on research and collaboration and a highly skilled citizenry.

Friendships have ebbs and flows, but the friendship between Australia and Israel has not had ebbs and flows; it’s been a steady course of endearment.

The UN was born out of the horrors of World War II, born out of an ethos of ‘never again’, but all too often an institution born in the same way, that’s supposed to do so much good has allowed anti-Semitism to seep into its deliberations, all under the language of human rights; and we’re not buying that, my government is not going to buy that.

Our government is not going to buy that.

And this is why, because we know the character of our friend Israel and we will defend it.

Straight up conflating discussions about Israel's treatment of Palestinians and their expansionism onto more and more Palestinian land with anti-semitism.
Shlomo Morrisonberg even received a Jerusalem Prize. Here's his thank you speech:

Israel is the polaris star above the cut and thrust of the things that we deal with on a daily basis. It’s a beacon of democracy. A country governed by the rule of law with a free press infused with a multicultural character and aligned with our great ally, the United States.

Not too many of them in that part of the world.

Like us, Israel grapples with its arid natural environment, an ancient land
(***said the thief to the thieves). And seeks to build a strong economy – and is very successful at it – based on research and collaboration and a highly skilled citizenry.

Friendships have ebbs and flows, but the friendship between Australia and Israel has not had ebbs and flows; it’s been a steady course of endearment.

The UN was born out of the horrors of World War II, born out of an ethos of ‘never again’, but all too often an institution born in the same way, that’s supposed to do so much good has allowed anti-Semitism to seep into its deliberations, all under the language of human rights; and we’re not buying that, my government is not going to buy that.

Our government is not going to buy that.

And this is why, because we know the character of our friend Israel and we will defend it.

Straight up conflating discussions about Israel's treatment of Palestinians and their expansionism onto more and more Palestinian land with anti-semitism.
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you guys have hundreds of thousands of Greeks and Armenians there. Do you not consider them to be a part of "your" country, you dill? Kind weird coming from someone who has indian/paki blood.

Not what I was suggesting. The speech is what means nothing to the country. It was a speech only to fill time. There was no substance to it, no policy to push, no policy to ignore. It's the kind of speech made in parliament that is done to hold the floor and past time so they don't have to debate serious topics. It's got nothing to do with race religion or value, and certainly nothing to do with what you perceive my nationality to be.
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Not what I was suggesting. The speech is what means nothing to the country. It was a speech only to fill time. There was no substance to it, no policy to push, no policy to ignore. It's the kind of speech made in parliament that is done to hold the floor and past time so they don't have to debate serious topics. It's got nothing to do with race religion or value, and certainly nothing to do with what you perceive my nationality to be.

AKA virtue-signaling.
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Not what I was suggesting. The speech is what means nothing to the country. It was a speech only to fill time. There was no substance to it, no policy to push, no policy to ignore. It's the kind of speech made in parliament that is done to hold the floor and past time so they don't have to debate serious topics. It's got nothing to do with race religion or value, and certainly nothing to do with what you perceive my nationality to be.
got it, my mistake. Better than whats happening out here right now, where we're currently being used as nothing more than a political football just because the US and turkey got into a spat earlier this year. Some politicians are even crying crocodile tears. fucking disgusting