The Shitposting Thread

NOS is safer than that garbage, and probably feels better too (never did shit-ass inhalants, NOS is relatively safe). NOS feels like painkiller euphoria, but with a weird zoning out effect that feels nice. Really short in duration though. Probably similar but cleaner feeling.
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Recommending safer inhalants to someone doing more dangerous shit is actually good advice. But this is the shitpost thread so we shall shitpost.
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I think Hades should continue doing whatever the fuck he does. Maybe he'll lose so many brain cells they will actually evolve into something new
I'm planning to watch Audition soon. But my favourite Miike film of the 3 I've seen is the little-known God's Puzzle. It's about an idiot wannabe rockstar trying to understand quantum physics, pretty funny.
I only found out about God's Puzzle from an online friend who'd moved to Japan. One of the English subtitles files going around at the time was atrocious, but I found an alright one that was at least understandable. Then later I fixed it up as best as I could. I've done that for a few movies, where I don't understand the source language but I can still rewrite the English better.
I first saw it in 2010, but fixed the subtitles up more like 2017 (funny what I found time to do after I stopped working / before I started working part time). They're not my own as such, more just the ones I found plus a lot of spelling, grammar and translation fails fixed.

I started trying to fix up the subtitles I have for Miś but only got about 15% of the way in. It's quite a mess as I have two very different versions of English subtitles (plus Polish ones I can compare to using Google Translate). Some of them don't have all the lines and I'm trying not to miss anything. Then I hope to run them past a Polish friend in case I've missed any of the subtle jokes.
Yeah i think im gonna order some...ill make sure to put on Pentagram or something.

when i was younger i was really into inhalants (mainly glue and butane) and Electric Wizard i remember sounded incredible. so did 60s psychedelic shit

the thing that makes me want to try nitrous is the euphoria. with other inhalants it was more like my body was just this pure energy that was vibrating under the influence of the music. hopefully NOS is similar but with more of a rush
i remember when i was your age actually accidentally getting high while trying to do projects
trying to use some of those old-school glues and plasti-glosses and paints and paint-thinners that nobody makes anymore
i remember when i was your age actually accidentally getting high while trying to do projects
trying to use some of those old-school glues and plasti-glosses and paints and paint-thinners that nobody makes anymore

you'll get a slight drunken buzz if your around that stuff for long enough but the crazy psychedelia comes when you actually concentrate the fumes

like i said i havent huffed glue in 4 years, just butane, and i plan on doing nitrous instead
i'm serious
some people call meth "ice"
i've been doing meth since all the way back when they had the formula of meth where the meth crystal would look like a chunk of frozen water
you'll get a slight drunken buzz if your around that stuff for long enough but the crazy psychedelia comes when you actually concentrate the fumes

like i said i havent huffed glue in 4 years, just butane, and i plan on doing nitrous instead
i've gotten a little high of butane and nitrous is fun
but i've got a question
how exactly do you "concentrate the fumes" of the inhalents??
im probably gonna try it if i can get my hands on it...

otherwise im gonna have to work on my cooking skills
i've gotten a little high of butane and nitrous is fun
but i've got a question
how exactly do you "concentrate the fumes" of the inhalents??

when i started i just sniffed out of the container, then i started spraying this spray glue stuff in bags and huffing it