The Shitposting Thread

@EternalMetal wait i looked up some vids and they all have a blue pulsing glow on the charger

the blue light of death is two flashes when you plug the pod in, means bad connection. mine is just the charging glow i think

everything seems legit and in good condition, except the pods looked kind of fake. the virginia tobacco one i tried tasted great so even if it is fake i dont really care
Mine pulse white when charging. I guess as long as it continues to charge and take hits you should be fine. As for pods, the only ones I like are the mint. And yea, ive seen that they have knockoff brands and stuff, and some of them are even 6% instead of 5%. How are you going to get pods now then?
Mine pulse white when charging. I guess as long as it continues to charge and take hits you should be fine. As for pods, the only ones I like are the mint. And yea, ive seen that they have knockoff brands and stuff, and some of them are even 6% instead of 5%. How are you going to get pods now then?

yeah its kind of a whitish blue...maybe you havent really noticed it but it kind of goes from white to blue...and at some angles it looks white and others it looks blue. its not like flashing, just gradual change in color/brightness so i dont think its any kind of warning or anything

once i get my license i'll be able to cross the state line to buy pods...its only like 45 minutes away from where i live
i don't use tobacco
my friends are telling me that they are able to smoke meth out of a vape
might try that
it's got to be easier than smoking meth out an actual meth-bowl
[it's actually a semi-complicated thing to do properly
there are actually meth shooters that say that they can't figure out how to roll a meth bowl]

i feel like it would be kinda wasteful, meth is prolly harder to evaporate than nicotine. you might end up with a lot of meth getting stuck in the coil and shit

@EternalMetal do you take the pods out of your juul when not using it? on one hand i dont want it to leak but on the other i feel like it might fuck up the juul if i take the pod in and out all the time
@EternalMetal do you take the pods out of your juul when not using it? on one hand i dont want it to leak but on the other i feel like it might fuck up the juul if i take the pod in and out all the time[/USER]

Leave them in. I only take them out when im not getting a good hit and need to clean off the burnt stuff (usually an indicator I need to clean the pins), or when it is getting low and im curious how much is left (I usually take the opportunity to shake out the accumulating air bubbles at the time as well). The more you remove a pod the looser it gets. I havent noticed leakage to be an issue, but no, you wont damage the Juul by taking the pods in and out.
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Do you have a home address?

i was joking with the "send me a camera" comment
feel kinda amazed [and happy] that you were actually going to send me a camera
but i realized that, no, i don't actually have a place where i could recieve mail
if you really want to send me a camera
i'd be able to find an address where you could send me a camera
but it will take a few days


i feel like it would be kinda wasteful, meth is prolly harder to evaporate than nicotine. you might end up with a lot of meth getting stuck in the coil and shit

i've seen people smoke meth out of the vapes
but they end up having the meth disolved into the vape oil instead of having it dissolved in water
so that they are smoking nicotine and meth at the same time

a huge amount of people that snort/shoot meth have a really hard time "rolling a bowl"
they either
A) burn the dope into ash, or
B)they waste dopesmoke into the air or
C)they get liquid meth falling out of the pipe or
D) more than 1 of the above

for these uncoordinated dumbasses
putting meth in the vape is easier

you can smoke the vape oil out of a meth bowl]
if the meth can fall out of the bowl while you rotate it in the flame wouldnt the oil be even worse? i could see it being better for not burning it tho
i just had one of those really long and complicated but kinda dissappointing my bed has piss and jizz all over it and my hand smells like spit

im selling my juul in a few weeks and getting a smok novo because you can actually get reliable juice online and its a little cheaper in the long run, also its a better product
Wait so basically this boy intentionally pisses his bed and calls it a session?

he's using his own urine to make himself jizz and calling it a masturbation session

if the meth can fall out of the bowl while you rotate it in the flame wouldnt the oil be even worse?

the meth only falls out of the bowl if you are really blind/horribly uncoordinated/so high you're not paying attention to what you're doing

i just had one of those really long and complicated but kinda dissappointing my bed has piss and jizz all over it and my hand smells like spit
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