lil' rat
Cracker Barrel cornbread with their catfish cajun seasoning is the best fucking combination I have ever discovered in a restaurant.
i'm not really inside any of the sheltersyou can get away with smoking at shelters and shit?
i tried opioids for the first time the other night and it was nice, i might try again tonight or i may wait until next week and do it at school. i had two pills and i kind of regret only taking one but i crushed it up so it was still a nice chill high and it hit me fast.i think it would be better at school because it made me want to talk a lot and just chill
f you're interested in smoking heroin, i discovered how to to get a good heroin-high rolling heroin in a meth-bowl (which is weirdly something most of the hardcore-heroin-addicts say is impossible
i think it would be better at school because it made me want to talk a lot and just chill
... what a fucking loser. Dude stay away from pills and all that other garbage man.
if you're interested in smoking heroin, i discovered how to to get a good heroin-high rolling heroin in a meth-bowl (which is weirdly something most of the hardcore-heroin-addicts say is impossible)
Should be fine if you are taking a light dose. I took oxy several times in high school and I actually found some of my typically mundane classes interesting. Just watch out about the pinpoint pupils. Some teachers might take notice so avoid up close eye contact if you start acting giddy. .
dude stop trying to find excuses as to why you guys are giving this fucking kid some of the worst advice possible. "he should abuse pharmaceuticals instead" gtfo with that bullshit man, the kid needs to have his head straight right now so he doesnt end up being some kind of strung out dope fiend in a year or two. And the chances of that would be pretty high when taking his little addictive personality into consideration. You guys are basically advising him to start digging his grave already.
and honestly, anyone that even tries to imply that pharmaceuticals are "safe drugs" should never speak on the matter again.
dont see any reason why it wouldnt work...i know tech said dont give me any ideas about smoking pills but i sort of want to smoke the vicodin 7.5 i have so i can get more out of it. idk how well its absorbed though. my theory with it is that when you give your body a dose and it absorbs over 30 minutes, its got time to get used to it so you dont get much of a rush. but when you crush, snort, smoke, shoot etc a small dose acts like a lot more at first because its kind of a sudden change. crushing and swallowing worked fine but i kind of want to try smoking it or snorting but eternal said snorting sucks
all i have is the 7.5 so i think id be fine. i act crazy anyways so i think i would be fine but yeah i did notice the pinpoint pupils last time. i just dont want to be puking all day or something. i didnt feel nauseas at all last time but i went to sleep so i may have slept through it. actually i was hungry as fuck when i woke up
yeah you're right. He's already eating/drinking piss and shit so we're probably too late anyway. Another year or two and hell be giving crackheads footjobs at the bustop.He doesn't even take my advice anyways, so why does it matter?
yeah you're right. He's already eating/drinking piss and shit so we're probably too late anyway. Another year or two and hell be giving crackheads footjobs at the bustop.
@EternalMetal thanks, i might pop like 2 or 3 benadryls with it then
ive been wanting to trip on dph as well...i know its generally a "bad trip" but i hallucinate snakes, spiders, rats with cobwebs hanging from them egc sometimes before falling asleep and i have a feeling it will be a lot like that and i think its cool, i kind of want sort of a creepy trip anyways. only problem is that my parens
will definately notice 8 benadryls gone and immediately blame me. i guess i could order online
i wasnt nauseas but i got pretty dizzy when standing and i also kept feeling my stomach doing weird shit
its really hard to find information on drugs with google other than erowid now. i remember a few years ago i remember sites like, bluelight, and r/drugs would come up but now you have to search specifically
The diph high is literally the worst thing ever. Tried it back in high school and it sucked balls. You feel uncomfortably heavy and hallucinate in a bad way. 10/10 would not recommend.
it helps if you have a light snack (not junk food though) or something like a half hour after dosing. You could always take a swig of pepto as well.
Bluelight was the site I was looking for tbh. The conclusion with opiate pills was that for the most part the best way to take them was just by eating them. You could snort old school oxys, but they don't make them that way any more. Still, I actually preferred the high I felt when I just ate them.
Kinda torn right now.
I'm not getting nearly enough hours with my current job
And my wife's new job is about to fire a prep cook. Its a family ran Teriyaki restaurant by an Indonesian man and his wife. The pay is roughly the same I would imagine but I would be getting more hours working all day.
dph sounds like a horror could be enjoyable if thats what you expect from it. now that im talking about it i kind of want to do it tonight. there are a few new packages of benadryl plus one old one with plenty in it. im not sure if my parents would notice 8 or so missing