The Star Wars Thread

thats weird she doesn't look as fucked up in this

I love carrie fisher though she is bat shit crazy lol

EDIT: my bad this should be the right thread :wave:
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it's like the one good scene in episode 1

agreed. that scene and the song that go with it are the only thing i liked in that entire abomination of a movie. not saying even that scene was perfect but it was the only part of the movie where i felt an actual connection to anything/any tension whatsoever.

i know its broken record status, but i really hate what george is doing to the trilogy. i would love to see the originals again, and i mean the absolute 100% originals. I have the purple/black box trilogy vhs which i think is the closest to the originals you can really get, but all the digital shit is so unnecessary. it doesn't ruin the movie for me, but stuff like on tatooine where they added in the scene with the monster bucking and throwing people around just has no purpose other than to show off LOOK, I HAVE COMPUTERS, LOOK WHAT I CAN DO WITH THEM. 3d is stupid as shit and i would so much rather just see the absolute original touched up and remastered the most they possibly can yet with no real changes other than sheer cosmetic stuff that doesn't alter the movie.
Lol yeah we have three poster cases on one side of the lobby and three on the other and we had the star wars Ep. 1 3D poster, the dark knight rises and spider man in the other two, and in the ones on the opposite side we had beauty and the beast remake in 3D, some other movie that escapes me right now and the 3D remake of titanic poster. Our manager decided to be a dick and put all of the remake posters on one side, now all we get is "fuck Hollywood, fuck George Lucas/James Cameron/Disney" now because the 3D remake poster case is right next to the hallway where the auditoriums are as opposed to the arcade nobody goes to. :lol:
i know its broken record status, but i really hate what george is doing to the trilogy. i would love to see the originals again, and i mean the absolute 100% originals. I have the purple/black box trilogy vhs which i think is the closest to the originals you can really get, but all the digital shit is so unnecessary. it doesn't ruin the movie for me, but stuff like on tatooine where they added in the scene with the monster bucking and throwing people around just has no purpose other than to show off LOOK, I HAVE COMPUTERS, LOOK WHAT I CAN DO WITH THEM. 3d is stupid as shit and i would so much rather just see the absolute original touched up and remastered the most they possibly can yet with no real changes other than sheer cosmetic stuff that doesn't alter the movie.

I have a dvd set that has the original theatrical releases. I think its the normal dvd set out there. I keep mentioning this and no one seems to believe me!
Yeah I think a DVD set of the originals was released a couple years ago for a limited time. It was either that or they came with the special edition dvds for a limited time.
if anyone could link me to that i would greatly appreciate it. the original theatrical cut in dvd quality would be fucking bomb; because of you god damn nerds i started watching the movies again last night, DAMN YOUUUUU (starting with empire of course, a new hope is good but empire > jedi > new hope). the changes they've made are especially glaring in some of the stuff like the cloud city segments, so yeah i'd love to watch the originals all over again.

i've been on such a star wars kick its absurd. i've been playing tor constantly (so damn fun, i play it mostly solo but grouping up for some quests is hella fun and the mmo aspects really do add to the universe) and now watching the trilogy while lifting when i'm not playing. its crazy how tor can have such a universal appeal since i'm sure there are tons of fat nerds in their moms basement playing the game and yelling at their screens about potential lore problems, and then there are regular average people who have lives and whatnot playing and getting just as excited.

the only thing i'd like more is if they included more music from the original trilogy in the game. when i hear the music i'm familiar with it gets me pumped up the most, and being able to hear the music from the space battle in return while doing one of the space missions would make me fucking nut in my pants while i yell at my screen and do barrel rolls blasting down rebel scum.
holy shit that is expensive, i'll have to think about that haha. i'm getting a new tv soon (have had my old tv since around 2002; it looks like an oldschool crt tv and is ridiculous so a flat screen is definitely needed) so maybe i'll get that to celebrate considering star wars on new awesome high def tv = amazing.
it baffles me how they did almost EVERYTHING wrong for the prequels, when even copying the originals would've been a wayyy better idea. i'm watching Return and the moment that has stuck with me all these years is when vader feels luke's thoughts and senses leia, and then luke yells and charges out slashing, the epic music plays, sheer aggression and anger just boiling over, slashing and slashing over and over until he slices off vaders hand and realizes he had become what he saw on dagoba. the emotion/feeling/purpose in that scene sticks with you forever and means something whereas the acrobatic bullshit of the prequels where they just constantly tried WHO CAN GET THE MOST INSANE LIGHTSABERS, HOW MANY JEDI CAN WE THROW IN HERE, HOW CAN WE USE LINES TO MAKE THE JUMPS HIGHER, LETS GET MORE ACROBATICS etc absolutely failed and i cannot remember any of it except the fight against Maul which had some good parts.

i know i'm preaching the converted but wow, there are so many deep and well done aspects of the originals that the prequels just fucking FAILED by going with something else that was awful. i don't know how lucas could've thought what he was doing was a good idea and how they could degrade from such meaningful and well done scenes to absolute shite.

oh well, i'll just keep watching the masterpieces that are empire and return and enjoy those amazing moments and continue what i've been doing up until now, not watching the prequels.
tbh the I remember every prequel fight, in the og I just remember them fighting and the always looked like it was last minute reflexes that made them block/parry where as if they have the force they should have been able to anticipate their moves which means by all rights it should have been more finesse and like a dance than putting all your strength behind one blow it just seemed a little ridiculous. Not to say the og fights weren't alright especially the 6th but I just enjoyed some of the fighting in the prequels more, some of it was meh though.