The Tasteless Jokes Thread

I'm totally buzzed right now.

Why does liquer have to taste like shit and be so bitter?

Because life is bitter as well.

Anyway, here's one I saw this morning on another board:

A man goes into a drug store and walks up to the counter:

Man: I need some birth control pills for me 11 year old daughter
Pharmacist: Okay, is she sexually active?
Man: No, she just lies there like her mother.
What does a blind, deaf, quadriplegic baby get for Christmas?


Whats 18 inches long and keeps women screaming all night?

Crib death.

Whats better than spinning a baby on a clothesline at 200 km/h?

Stopping it with a shovel.

Why is there hot water at childbirth?

In case of a stillbirth, soup.

What do you call a baby with its skin peeled off?


And the most tasteless of all.....

Whats the best part about siamese twin babies?
