The Tasteless Jokes Thread

ON christmas eve Santa went into a house and then went inside a little boy room.He saw the Playboy Channel on.Then santa put a detroit lions cookie into his mouth and said that what little boys get when they watch girls fucking eachother.That morning the little boy looked for gifts and all he got was beer.

Once upon a time there was a ghetto boy who had a tough time.He got picked by the cracker people but one day he got shot 100 times and suddenly is an adult and a famous rapper.Now he can fuck white girls,diss other rapper,be a good role model,own clothes,be in movies,and touch little kids bodys.
Told by a workmate of mine the other day:

What do a 9 volt battery and a girl's asshole have in common?

Even though you know it's wrong, one day you'll end up putting your tongue on one.
What is the difference between a pair of jeans and an Ethiopian?
A pair of jeans only has one fly on it.

Why don't jews like oral sex?
It's too close to the gas chamber.

Whats the object of Jewish football?
To get the quarter back.

Why did the Jews walk around the desert for 40 years?
They heard that someone dropped a quarter

What do my pals kids get for Christmas?
Your bike.

What is a my pals on a bike?

Why is Stevie Wonder always smiling?
He doesn't know he's black.

What do Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles have in common?
They're both my pals.

Why was golf invented?
So white people get a chance to dress like my pals.
Two ladies are walking over a bridge. One says "I have to take a piss"! So she squats over the bridges edge to pee in the river below...only to wait as she says "I think as a joke I'm gonna piss in the canoe thats floatin in the river below"!?! The other lady says "honey, that isn't a canoe below in the water..thats your shadow"!
There needs to be one of those Too light/Too heavy commercials in which the too heavy is the woman taking off in the truck and chris henry being flipped out the back...
Once upon a time there was a ghetto boy who had a tough time.He got picked by the cracker people but one day he got shot 100 times and suddenly is an adult and a famous rapper.Now he can fuck white girls,diss other rapper,be a good role model,own clothes,be in movies,and touch little kids bodys.

