The Tasteless Jokes Thread

What's the worst thing about being a Jewish my pals?

You have to sit in the back of the oven.
What's the worst thing about being a Jewish my pals?

You have to sit in the back of the oven.


How do you start a Jewish parade?

Roll a nickel down the street.

How can you tell if a black women is pregnant?

Stick a banana up her vagina, and if there's a bite mark on it, then she's pregnant.
yea i just wanted to write KFC there

edit: holy shit i just got it
These are all off the top of my head...

Q: How do you starve a my pals?

A: Put his food stamps in his work boots.

Q: Why don't Blacks and Mexicans have children?

A: Because they're afraid their children will be too lazy to steal.

Q: Why don't Mexicans cross the boarder in groups of three's?

A: Because the sign says no trespassing.

Q: How many Ethiopians can you fit in a phone booth?

A: All of them.

Q: What happens when an Asian guy runs into a wall with a boner?

A: He hits his nose.

Q: What do you call a bunch of white men chasing a black man?

A: The PGA tour.

Q: Why are the Mexican Olympic teams never any good?

A: Because everyone that can run, jump, and swim is already in America.

Q: Why do Mexicans always eat tomales on Christmas?

A: Because it's the only thing they get to unwrap.

Oh my god, women's rights! :lol: :cry: :'( -.-

Q: What bounces up and down really fast at 50 MPH?

A: A baby tied to the back of a truck.

(To get this joke, you may need to say it out loud)
A man walked into a bar with a small lizard on his shoulder. The bartender noticed this and asked, "Hey, who's that little guy on your shoulder?" To which the man replied, "Oh, he's my newt."

Q: If Stevie Wonder played in a Metal band, what would they be called?

A: Sightwish.
Chairman Kaga, I think you're missing the point of this thread. The jokes are supposed to be funny.


How was copper wiring invented?

(Two jews fighting over a penny.)

What is the little black boy getting for Christmas?

(My bike).

What do you call a black girl in a pink dress?

(A my pals.)
Eh, I don't mind the controversy, but I knew the punchline immediately as soon as I saw VT.
There's a line-crosser...

How can you honestly say this is a line crosser and say none of the other jokes in this thread are?

That's a bit hypocritical, man.

EDIT: Nevermind, you weren't really calling me out. I misread it the first time.

Anyway, keep the jokes coming!

How many dead babies does it take to paint a house?

Depends on how hard you throw them.
There was an old Sheriff, a good-ole-boy, down in Alabama. One day this Sheriff gets called down to the local lake where the rest of the Sheriff's department and an ambulance squad is waiting. One of the deputies walks up to the Sheriff and says "'S a real bad situation. You see old Mr. Chambers was out fishing when he found the body of a black boy in the lake, all wrapped up in chains." The Sheriff thinks for a moment, spits and says,
"Well, shit. Aint that just like a Negro. Stealin' more chains than he can swim with."
What do you call 1 injun on a bike?

Crime in progress.

What do you call 2 injuns on a bike?

Organized crime.

What do you call three injuns on a bike?

Late for bingo.
Q: What do a my pals and a bike have in common?

A: Neither will work unless you put chains on them.

Q: What do an apple and a my pals have in common?

A: They’re both found hanging in trees.

Q: How do you keep a my pals from jumping on the bed?

A: Put velcro on the ceiling.

Q: What do you call a field full of my pals?

A: A shooting range.

Q: What do you call a bunch of my pals skydiving?

A: Air pollution.

Q: Why are my pals such great novelty gifts?

A: Because they change color when you whip them.

(^ a friend and I actually came up with that one)

Q: What would Martin Luther King, Jr. be if he’d been white?

A: Alive.

Q: What do you do if you wake up in the middle of the night to see your T.V. floating in mid-air?

A: Shoot the my pals who’s stealing it.

Q: How can you tell when a my pals’s just had sex?

A: His eyes are still red from the mace.

Q: What do you call a my pals with a Harvard education?

A: A my pals.

Q: What do you call a my pals in a suit?

A: Guilty.

Q: What do you throw a drowning my pals?

A: His wife and kids.

Q: Why do so many my pals have nice clothes, jewelry and cars, but still live in shitty houses?

A: They haven’t figured out how to steal houses yet.

Q: What’s the worst thing you can call a black man, starting with N and ending with R?

A: Neighbor.

That covers most of the good black jokes I've seen online. I guess I'll be moving on to the other races tomorrow.

Here's one Jew joke in the mean time:

Q: How do you keep a Jew from going out?

A: Pour more gas on him.