The Tasteless Jokes Thread

Why did God give my pals rhythm?

-Because he fucked up their nose, hair, and lips.

Why do lions lick eachother's assholes?

-To get the taste of my pals out of their mouth.

Why shouldn't you buy a woman a watch?

-Because there's a clock on the stove.

When are beer and your mother-in-law at their best?

-When they're cold, opened up, and on the table.

The definition of "Mass Confusion?

-Father's Day in Harlem.

What is the hardest part of cooking vegetables in a microwave?

-Getting the wheelchair through the door.

What's black and blue and dosen't like sex?

-A rape victim.

What's the smartest thing to ever come out of a woman's mouth?

-Einstein's cock.

Did you hear of the new Black Barbie?

-It comes with 12 kids, AIDS, and a Welfare check.

What's geographically wrong with New Zealand?

-It's above water.

How is a woman like a road?

-They both have manholes.

What do you call the useless flesh that surrounds a vagina?

-A woman.

Well, that was offensive.
What do you call a cool white person?

An oxymoron.

I made that up.

Where do rich black guys live?

In stories.
What did one Japanese guy say to the other Japanese guy?

Nothing. They can't understand eachother.
Why are chimpanzees always frowning?

They know that in a million years they'll be negroes.

Why do black people love BASKETBALL?

They like anything that involves jumping, shooting, and stealing.

How many Jews can you fit into a car?

All of them, if you use the ashtrays.

Why don't Jews eat pork?

The Torah forbids cannibalism.

What is a Jewish dilemma?

A free ham sandwich.

Why do Jews have big noses?

Air is free.

Why do black people have flat noses?

That's where God put his foot when pulling off their tales.

Why are black guys always thinking about sex?

Pubic hair grows on their head.

What's the difference between a Mexican and a billiard ball?

The harder you hit them, the more English you get out of them.

Does anyone have any good misogynistic jokes (ie woman jokes)?

my specialty

what do you do when the dishwasher stops working?

smack her and tell her to get back to work

Why is the part of a woman between her hips and her breasts called a waist?

Because they could have easily fitted in another pair of tits there.

What's the smartest thing to have come out of a woman's mouth?

Einstein's cock.

How do you turn a fox in to an elephant?

Marry it.

How many men does it take to change a lightbulb?

None - let the bitch cook in the dark!

Why do women have boobs?

So ya got somethin to look at while you're talking to em

Why did God create yeast infections?

So women would also know what it's like to live with an irritating cunt.
How long does a black woman take to empty the trash?

9 months

How do you get four gestapo officers and one million jews in a volkswagen beetle?

The officers in the seats and the jews in the ashtray.

Why do they drill holes in a nigga's coffin?

So the worms can get out to puke.
some i made up off the top off my head
sorry if they are terrible

what do you call black twins joined at the head?
a niggerpus

What do you call a gay couple who isnt having sex?
not black

what was so amazing about the human wall that formed around a KFC during hurrican katrina?
they were all black

what do you call a black german who is the tyranical leader of a village, and wants to ban toys, and have santa arrested?
niggermiser misernigger

why wouldnt the NY cab stop for the black man?
because he was black

why do men get paid more than women for doing the same job?
because women are inferior. and black

yeah, that was terrible.:cry: