The Top 5 List Thread

All the seasons of this just got uploaded to my sky box thingy so I can watch them for free, but I can't bring myself to want to. Sell me on it please.

house is among the most complete and convincing larger-than-life characters in the history of TV, laurie is totally subsumed by that character to the point when hearing him speak normally now is bizarre (it takes him several eps to really nail the role - actually the show takes a little while to find its feet in general - but once he does he's legitimately incredible). it's made by smart people even if they frequently condescend, it's witty as fuck and regularly hilarious, they get shitloads of mileage out of the formula (although i wouldn't bother with anything after season 5) and there are some genuinely harrowing eps, some real mindfucks. there are annoying elements too like the high school debate class moral dilemmas and the terrible acting from patients and a certain amount of repetition, but i always go back to it, it's pretty much the most watchable thing possible even at times when i don't particularly respect it. also lots of racism and sexism and misanthropy and nihilism, pretty popular things around here

Can't speak for the rest as I haven't watched them (a few episodes of House notwithstanding), but I wouldn't call 24 "kinda shitty", unless you're referring to specific seasons. At its best it's great TV imo. I really like season 1, 2, 3 and 5. Season 4 is the worst and kinda bad, it just has far too much going on. Can't remember much about 6, 7 and 8 at the minute, but generally the odd numbered ones were better.

i loved 7 and 8 tbh. i don't think any of those shows are shitty really but i just mean they're a little trashy by critical standards.
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I can't even remember how it ends, I'll have to rewatch season 8. It's one of the few shows I can binge watch an entire season in 2 days. I haven't seen the newest one (Live Another Day). A friend of mine who stopped watching after season 4 watched the new one and said it was pretty good. I just can't get behind the format of having it over 12 episodes. Maybe I'll give it a shot in the future.
house is among the most complete and convincing larger-than-life characters in the history of TV, laurie is totally subsumed by that character to the point when hearing him speak normally now is bizarre (it takes him several eps to really nail the role but once he does he's legitimately incredible). it's made by smart people even if they frequently condescend, it's witty as fuck and regularly hilarious, they get shitloads of mileage out of the formula (although i wouldn't bother with anything after season 5) and there are some genuinely harrowing eps, some real mindfucks. there are annoying elements too like the high school debate class moral dilemmas and the terrible acting from patients and a certain amount of repetition, but i always go back to it, it's pretty much the most watchable thing possible even at times when i don't particularly respect it. also lots of racism and sexism and misanthropy and nihilism, pretty popular things around here

Some of my favorite House moments:

It's a fucking palm tree with 3 heads, how awesome is that. Having said that, it wouldn't be at the top of my list. My list would only include the first gen anyway, don't know enough about the rest.

Exeggutor is apparently quite strong in Pokemon Go, since it and Venusaur are the only 2 strong grass type Pokemon, and they counter the currently overpowered water types that are running riot like Vaporeon.
i tend to like them more for the aura that surrounds them (due to rarity or location or w/e) than the actual design of them. i mean i care about the latter as well but the former is most important. not sure about my top 5 but i'll have a think about it.

phylactery i want an update in the gamers thread of how you're doing!
Pokemon Go only has the original 150 right now right? I'm assuming Vergard is talking in the greater context of all Pokemon games.

fwiw I'm not really one to criticize, I judge entirely based on doki-doki factor

1. Marill
2. Lilligant
3. Dragonair
4. Vaporeon
5. Articuno
some favs off the top of my head:

and ya vaporeon and articuno are my fav eeveelution and leg bird respectively
Cubone/Marowak is all kinds of fucked up. It wears the skull of its dead mother as Cubone and then when it evolves, that fuses to its head. What the fuck.

Ninetails, Dragonair and Scyther all rule.

Not quite all 150 exist in Pokemon Go, well not yet anyway. Ditto, Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres and Mewtwo are in the game files but unavailable currently.
Oh yeah, Scyther was one of my favs as a kid. Maximum edginess.

Top 5 childhood crushes on early-gen trainers and gym leaders:

5. Picnicker
4. Sabrina
3. Jasmine
2. Lass [1st gen]
1. Erika
Top 5 episodes of Spongebob (this was really fucking hard to do and I'm not satisfied at all with this list):

5. Wormy
4. Karate Choppers
3. Idiot Box
2. Opposite Day
1. Something Smells
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He looks stoned to me, and it isn't hard to squint your eyes and imagine a giant marijuana leaf coming out of his heads. But yeah I don't really have anything personal against him, he's aight.
I don't remember feeling a particularly strong connection to the Digimon themselves, but the first season of the anime was much better than Pokemon's. You think they beat the baddie and they've escape the digital world and all is good, then suddenly nope, the digital world is invading the real world and they're going door to door abducting families and cramming them into subways and shit preparing a literal holocaust for all humans.

Actually, Wizardmon was the sort-of-bad guy that had a thing for Gatomon and sacrificed his life to save the world right? I remember being pretty moved by that as a kid. He'd be one of my faves. I thought the giant skeleton Greymon with the nuke inside of him was hella cool as a kid too.
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