From the holy kingdom of Harmonia
I don't know anything about Hearthstone really, but applying MtG theory on this it sounds like a normal combo deck? Not sure what's the problem. It's one of the three classic archetypes (aggro, combo, control). Sure it can feel bad for the opponent but it's just card game theory 101. Life is just a resource. Life only matters when you are at zero, if you can use that to your advantage and prolong the game long enough to essemble your combo why not? It's only a problem if there aren't any counter plays to the combo or if it is faster than any answer. Maybe this is the problem?3. I know how to play the damn game - stuff like Shadowreaper Anduin + Raza the Chained, or anything that lets a player with 1 hitpoint left beat an opponent with 30 hitpoints in a single turn, just shouldn't exist