The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page


haha that chair is the kind you find in hospitals. where are you in that pic? those chairs are like hundreds of dollars and made of easily-cleaned vinyl
fotmbm said:
At Erik's deathut :rock:
it's very metal really but I'm in the way of everything except the haunted but then again I'm 666 PROOF heavy fuckin thrash personified
great but that doesnt help explain the presence of a hospital-grade chair in eriks deathhut. did y'all steal it?
fotmbm said:
Probably but he's wimped out for the evening... I think they come with the dorm room though?
ahhh didnt realize it was a dorm room. thought he had an apartment.
i feel much better now though. thanks. now i can eat dinner.
i have a really good picture that is currently my cellphone wallpaper that i took when i went to this punk dive in richmond a couple nights ago...somebody wrote on the bathroom wall, "black metal warriors against christ 666" a punk venue... :lol: x3812035
should have some pictures coming soon from a Hungarian party I went to last night ... did not have my camera, but one of the guys there took some outrageous photos of some really nice ladies completely sloshed and boogieing all night ...
cthulufhtagn said:

how in the name of lucifer is that properly spelled

:lol: ... I tried a few different variations before posting ... no idea