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Dude lurch if you drive up we can race! Because I'm definitely bringing the WRX. We can find some frozen pond and do donuts until we need more beer. :dopey:

edit: see how lame Californians are? We just assume that everything is frozen in Canada even during August.
lurch70 said:
the trip that is
Oh come on...



Never thought I would own a completely solid state head, but there you have it. Pretty sweet sounding, can't wait to get out somewhere and crank the fucker.
i am with Tully on this one ...
snow is great ... like once a year ... for two days ... so i can go nuts in it ... but after ... give me an ocean to swim in
hahaha Russell.

So is Norway the only place on the damn planet getting snow this season? It's still flirting with cold mornings here, but the days have been in the 80's and I don't think the mountains got ANY snow this year. Sucks.