The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

Erik said:
I got my Tiamat "The Astral Sleep" shirt today :kickass:


:kickass: !!!
Erik said:
No idea. Very few. If you want it, and see it on eBay or something, there's no point even bidding because whatever you bid I'll bid over you. :)

Oh it's ON...

...well not really, since that's probably true.
How is the music of Dismalsott ?...i was only great things hearing but never heard....
Erik said:
If anyone EVER sees that vinyl ANYWHERE, remember me for fuck's sake. I'll pay you ungodly amounts of money.

..there are some collectors around in the net, having this one, have you ever tried to make them a good offer...but i can imagine they are that keen on this vinyl like no chance...???