The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

Must have been in the last month because we didn't get much snow up in that area until after Thanksgiving. Krig, next time you in my neck of the woods, say something, foo'.
Those are some pretty fucking sweet ass pictures Frank. Looks like it was a good time too. When did you go?
yeah it was fun as hel, Phoenix was in the 60's all week. and we left on Dec 29th, got back Saturday night.

Must have been in the last month because we didn't get much snow up in that area until after Thanksgiving. Krig, next time you in my neck of the woods, say something, foo'.

We hit snow storms in New Mexico going both ways, FUCK THAT STATE! They are so fucking dumb!
"theres snow on the ground, we have to close the highway, you are stuck in town for the night"
"fuck that, were finding a way out"
so we ended up driving to fucking Roswell about an hour before they got destroyed by the snow storm. It was pure shit!
They did it for their own protection, I think. Drivers in New Mexico are so epically bad that if they didn't close the roads with a hint of snow, they'd lose a few thousand people in an hour.