Like I said in another thread, I received a Mystery Package today! Some of you might have thought this cherished RC tradition had died out completely, but as yuletide bring out the best in man, proof arrived that the case is not so.
This is how happy I was when I got home from work and finally got the chance to shake the box and guess what was in it...
Lo and behold! It was Holiday Magic! A real Money $aver!
Take special note of the runes saying SNUS
The contents of the package in all its glory
Lillkisse thinks american candy is fascinating but a bit scary
The nose trick
She's not very impressed by the beef jerky for some reason
I love beef jerky, it's like meat candy... A weird but great combination!
Many thanks for this, Daniel, and Erik sends loving regards and thanks for the SKOAL! Expect nice things in return (but don't hold your breath waiting, I'm no good at mailing things)