The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page


*bats eyeslashes*

oh, face.

oh, for the love of God
I actually hear a lot of good things about Nashville, but I imagine you can provide a much less varnished view of the place.

Driving through Tennessee :kickass:

Although I haven't spent much time there, Memphis and Nashville seem pretty cool. Derick and I always stop and stay the night in lil Cookeville because it's so pleasant. Knoxville seems kinda meh.
I'm farther south than you guys but I would definitely drive up north for a meet up at a concert or what the hell ever. Karen's the closest to me and I haven't seen her in probably a year!
I actually hear a lot of good things about Nashville, but I imagine you can provide a much less varnished view of the place.

Nah, it's cool. The first couple years here I lived waaaayyy out in the burbs and thought Nashville sucked hard.....but that was because I didn't live in Nashville :lol: I've lived very close to the center of town for the past four years or so and it's been awesome.