Krilons Resa
Jerry's married?!
i think u have a crush on swizzlenuts tbh.
you follow him around on the forum, heckling him at every opportunity.
Shuuush... He isn't supposed to knowi think u have a crush on swizzlenuts follow him around on the forum, heckling him at every opportunity.
I almost got kidnapped twice when I was young.
edit: more Doomcifer 101 ...should have a thread. lol
I truly have no idea what picture he thinks he has. The one that was posted on GMD was just a reference shot of me posing for a painting (I never finished) and I was wearing these stupid hot pant things because I needed to see the anatomy of my legs and how they were crossing and they were all like "OMG IT"S UNDERWEAR" and then my boyfriend got upset because indeed they did look like underwear.
It was nothing. But I had it taken down because I didn't want to upset my boyfriend and because yeah it was probably a little too much leg to show on an internet messageboard.
Mystery solved?
no offense susperia, i think you look better without glasses.