I'm starting to get backed up on albums like a motherfucker... been too fucking busy the past few days that now I've started stacking the ones I want to hear first on top of my PC... soon to be an even larger stack after I hit the used CD store tomorrow afternoon. But haven't gotten around to any of them yet. I've been pretty good this year, up till now, on keeping my queue in check, but now I'm back these 15, and another 10 sitting on the kitchen table.
Hopefully I can go this weekend without being too tired to check out some albums:
Although: I must admit- that I learned to appreciate this movie ten times more AFTER I moved to the states... (the little things... the accent.. the caharacters... you know.. stuff that you'd normally get better after living here for a while...)
Well here is my journey through redecorating and stenciling my bathroom. I love stencils. =D
BTW this is probably more for the ladies here than the lads but by all means enjoy boys.
Taking down the hideous wallpaper..bit by bit.
Rolling on the pearlescent paint first.
Stenciling over the pearl stripes with high gloss paint. It was a lot of tedious work.
Close ups of the beautiousness.
And I'm going to get a white orchid plant for that corner....so pretend there's an orchid there.