The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Been watching a few of '70s horror films lately, and by a few I mean a plethora, and by lately I mean constantly over the past 5 years. Sure are a lot of stretch marks on the nekkid b-hinds of many females in these particular chunks of celluloid, and I must say, that shit is hot as fuck. I used to date a Filipino chick years ago (they call them Pinay in the adult world?), and for a tiny bint she sure had a big ass. The good kind of big ass really, but let's face it, I like curvy broads, so my standards might be a bit more loose/flabby than others. Give me some flesh to GRAB onto and I'm a happy boner when it all comes down to it. Anyhow, she loved to take it from behind, and the pleasure I received from slapping the crap out of those delineated marks of my-ass-grew-wide-after-19 was quite high, I tell you what. Just never really thought about it until tonight I guess. Happy International Women's Day.
so we bought my son an $80 kids ipad for xmas. he's dropped it a few times and the buttons got all messed up. well this morning the buttons wouldnt work again, and instead of just putting it aside and trying later or letting the wife try to fix it.....i literally smashed it to pieces. is this normal?

on a lighter note, i called walmart and found out the wife bought the warranty. i am sending it in today and theyre sending me a new one.
I screamed at an avocado one morning, a torrential flood of verbal abuse. Why? Because it wasn't ripe yet. Rage issues are fucking cool.
I did that to my car stereo a few months back after giving up hope while tying to fix it.

I also punched my garage door remote a few times resulting in bloody knuckles after I found out the battery inside it died. But to my defense on this one, I was half in the bag.

I can rattle hundreds of occurrences like these. They happen all the time. Is it "normal?" What the fuck is "normal?" Is it healthy? Naa.

I definitely lack patience...especially with inanimate objects evidently.
:lol: at you guys

I used to be really bad in this regard. I've mellowed a lot since I had all those personal problems a few years ago. It's almost like I have nothing left to get upset about and/or nothing needs to be taken so seriously