The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

This is a sign from the lawd himself that it's time for her to get more walking into her life.

Buy my Mazda, I want/need a bigger vehicle anyhow. Only 40k miles, only $14,000 plus shipping!

pretty much lol @ this forever
Well, I'm now the proud owner of a 2013 Honda CR-V.

Damn the repairs cost more than a new car? Bummer

No, but they cost a helluva lot more than the vehicle itself. And the dealershihp has no idea yet how fucked they got on the trade-in.

Buy my Mazda, I want/need a bigger vehicle anyhow. Only 40k miles, only $14,000 plus shipping!

:lol: WTF do you need a bigger vehicle for? Babies?! ....I mean BOOBIES!?

Honda CR-V is good.

It sure is.
I need more room for music gear of course! I can't gig with my big bass cab because that shit won't fit with all my other stuff + roadie (aka: wife).

Congrats on the payment plan. Capitalism is fucking dumb, but it is here to stay, so why fight it? Yay new shiny shit that will die in 5 years!
I will when this thing is paid off. Just getting impatient until I reach that point, although that should be done by year end...

Ken, you should put up pictures of your new Honda. I hope that you got a wild coloUred one, Cal-Trans Orange or something.
A seller on discogs informed me that a shipment would be delayed a couple days. Instead of writing "Thanks for the heads up", as I meant to, I wrote "Thanks for giving me head" and posted the message half a second before realizing...
I had a dream that there was some type of RC gathering going on at a hotel. All of a sudden, Dr. Whiskey peeked out from behind his door, asking me to fetch him some pants because he had lost his. How he lost his pants, I know not (the possibilities are endless). I went into a room that contained several trash bags of clothing, with each bag belonging to a different RC member. I couldn't figure out which bag belonged to him, but I knew for sure that NAD's bag was the one with the black silk button-up shirt with palm trees all over it. Frustrated with finding everything but tall-man pants, I gave up and went to a dinner party somewhere else. Sorry, Jim. No pants for you.

I don't even want to try to analyze this dream.:loco:
:lol: RC dreams are always hilarious.

My only other internet based dreams are the ones where I'm watching porn and trying to find somewhere where I can hide/masturbate. I rarely dream of actual sex, but adventurous jerk-off dreams? Yep. Fucking lame.