The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Someone recommend me some AWESOME stoner rock/metal or good 'ol metal that I am unaware of with crazy fucking leads galore.
My doom/pop band is recording right now. I mean I can't promise that we're AWESOME however I can say that there are guitar solos absolutely everywhere. My guitarist will frequently turn 8 bar leads into 32+ bar extended feedback drenched excursions while the drummer and I lay it down and wait for the next verse.

guitfiddler: "So... should I do less guitar solos?"
drummer + me: "NO."

I'll be sharing when it is done. This band is, without question, the loudest project I've ever been a part of. We play in a small garage and mic the drums through a PA. I've just recently switched to a stronger form of hearing protection because it was damaging shit to an entirely new sublevel for me. Rock and/or roll.
I got a call from a Jack in the Box district manager earlier this evening pertaining to a complaint I had made several days prior. My grievance stemmed from being denied service three times over the course of the same amount of months for inexplicable reasons. It's 4am, I wanted to get my sausage breakfast platter on. During each incident, this same artist of expeditious cuisine harps on the intercom and lisps in an accent as heavy as Krig circa 2004, "we close." To make a long story short, the district manager pretty much kissed my arse, offered me a free combo, and said that the incident would be thoroughly investigated. Serves this bint right for denying me my swine!
so i dislocated my shoulder yesterday. ive had about 10 of these before but they were all posterior. ive always been able to pop these back in. this one was anterior, and after 30 minutes of trying to pop it back in, i went to the er. after three hours of xrays, being knocked out and all that shit, it was put back in. now stuck in a sling for two weeks.

man, talk about pain. fuckoff kidney stones....

at least im home jamming to muzak instead of working

and on hydrocodone
Every time I log in to Facebutt I click the Unfollow button a few times, and then log out. Once a week I write to my band because that is the chosen form of our communicate for whatever reason. I don't "like" it at all, but feel societal pressure to continue using it, and habitually spend 15 to 25 minutes daily on there. Pathetic!

I got into a roadrage confrontation today. I didn't start it, and I didn't end it, but I sure did escalate things, foolishly. I drove by 200 cars this morning, 199 of which were piloted by fine upstanding citizens on their respective morning commutes, but this 1 asshole made me lose faith in humanity for a solid 15 minutes. Pathetic!

Hmm, my self-loathing appears to be higher than usual today. Likely because the reason I hate social networking and jerks on the road is due to me having become exactly what I hate most in regular life: just another fuckin' idiot with poor driving skills and acute social ineptitude, much like every other moron. Pathetic!
Every time I log in to Facebutt I click the Unfollow button a few times, and then log out. Once a week I write to my band because that is the chosen form of our communicate for whatever reason. I don't "like" it at all, but feel societal pressure to continue using it, and habitually spend 15 to 25 minutes daily on there. Pathetic!

I got into a roadrage confrontation today. I didn't start it, and I didn't end it, but I sure did escalate things, foolishly. I drove by 200 cars this morning, 199 of which were piloted by fine upstanding citizens on their respective morning commutes, but this 1 asshole made me lose faith in humanity for a solid 15 minutes. Pathetic!

Hmm, my self-loathing appears to be higher than usual today. Likely because the reason I hate social networking and jerks on the road is due to me having become exactly what I hate most in regular life: just another fuckin' idiot with poor driving skills and acute social ineptitude, much like every other moron. Pathetic!