The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

This is the first time in ages I'm serving the net from home. I got a latte in hand (supplemented with a caffeine pill) and Kriegsmaschine bumping like Drew Daniel's faggo black metal dance remix Vol 2.

Sup kids?
The worst farts I ever had were due to a 9 bean casserole me ma made many moons ago. First period Spanish 1 in high school was in the gym that morning (don't remember why), and I regularly cleared out entire quadrants of that wide open abode with the grotesque stench emanating out from under. It was truly horrifying, people were literally running from me. Hilarious! But then I started to get scared because 2nd period was English X (or whatever), and a hot Mexican chick whom didn't speak much English sat behind me. This class was always silent, so I knew that I had no way to cover up what was certain to keep occurring until the entire demon left my system. Now, I know that some people have mental control over their bowels. Women save up farts for days on end at times to unleash the entire cavalcade when, and only when, the entire coast is clear. I know men who can shut it down during camping trips and never dig a single ditch. Personally, I do not know how any of this is possible. When my body needs to expel exhaust or waste of any kind, out it goes.

But on this particular day, I stopped farting. I stopped farting for all 53 minutes of 2nd period that fateful morning, because the only thing that made me more afraid of actually talking to this girl was to fart toward her general direction. Especially with that absolute reek that I was polluting elsewhere all morning. It was simply not an option. So, as some have done before me, I shut it down. By the end of the hour I was in so much pain that I could not stand upright, and even attempting to open the fartgates had zero effect. It was too late, I was doomed. My bowels were creating a veritable black hole's worth of gravity that sucked in my upper and lower body in the path least resistance, that being my pliable waist. So I ended up walking around campus at a 90 degree angle until I found my way to me ma's room, whom worked at the school at the time, and said "I can't stand up, please take me to the doctor!"

They thought I had appendicitis. The pain was excruciating. The medicine doctor I frequented saw me immediately and examined my situation. I was instructed to "take some Gas-X and hope for the best," and if the pain didn't subside within a few hours, it was off to the operating room that I would go. Upon going home shortly thereafter, I fell asleep with my legs thrust upward into the air, albeit with knees bent, so I didn't look quite as ridiculous as I could have. A few hours later I woke up, and the pain was gone. So 20 years later, when my wife tells me "stop farting" I often reply with "would you rather I die? Because I swear that nearly happened once!" I've always enjoyed melodrama, especially when it concerns my decline to withhold small, harmless amounts of methane.
so i dislocated my shoulder yesterday. ive had about 10 of these before but they were all posterior. ive always been able to pop these back in. this one was anterior, and after 30 minutes of trying to pop it back in, i went to the er. after three hours of xrays, being knocked out and all that shit, it was put back in. now stuck in a sling for two weeks.

man, talk about pain. fuckoff kidney stones....

at least im home jamming to muzak instead of working

and on hydrocodone

Heh! Just saw this!
Anterior shoulder dislocations are rare. Congrats!
Lol @ NAD
Holding farts back for uhh, domestic, you know, within the city limits - that ain't legal either
Heh! Just saw this!
Anterior shoulder dislocations are rare. Congrats!

haha. had surgery a week ago to repair a tore labram (?) and a bicep tear. this hurts like a motherfucker. getting very little sleep because i have to sleep upright.

good news is, i start a new job tomorrow. better pay, better schedule and i get to manage people!
I once combined imperial Russian stout and Indian food. The resulting farts actually caused a visible haze in the air. The smell will haunt me to this day. Like burning chemicals and just a hint of sour incense. I had to throw away the bath matts which absorbed the stench.