The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

where the fuck are you that you have to drive an entire 16 miles to get your moustache trimmed
I mean
There's a place where Wal-Mart is only 16 miles away from another Wal-Mart
And you can't buy your beard trimmer at Target??
Where the fuck are you and why did you leave civilization??

The nearest Target is 140 miles away.

Dear USA and the rest of the world: Time to let Afghanistan go, there's nothing we can do to help them now or in the future.

Could've learned that lesson from Alexander the Great tbh.
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The nearest Target is 140 miles away.
so the closest place to buy a beard trimming device is the 16-mile-away walmart??
so go out that walmart and trim your mustache close enough that you can just keep your lip clean-shaven with a package of like 20 razor-blades that you can also buy at the walmart
The nearest Target is 140 miles away.
why the hell are you not living in civilization anymore??

i grew up in the DFW Metroplex
i spent my childhood being able to see a 7-11 from my bedroom window

did you spend your childhood on a farm??
but it's probably still true.

and either way, doesn't change the fact this administration is fucking terrible. people falling off planes to escape a country that Biden just said "well, its been 20 years. good luck with with staying alive"
well, hopefully china has it, because Biden owns this fuck up 100%

now sleepy joe will have time to concentrate on covid, inflation, the record number of illegals crossing the border, the kids in cages that no one talks about anymore, getting people back to work so they can pay rent and stop stiffing their landlords etc etc fucking etc. #fuck #yeah

just a few small things there