The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

LMFAO at anyone who’s blaming Biden for this shitshow (or even Trump, for that matter). This has been a 20 year waste, it was never going to end differently. How much more money should we continue to pump into this? Every single republican I know, and even some of the democrats, has been talking shit on Afghanistan and the Middle East for decades. It's always "why are we over there wasting money and American lives", or "fuck those ragheads", perhaps "we should be focusing on problems in America!" etc. etc. Now that there's a chance to talk shit on the other party, all I'm hearing is how much these Fox News types care about the Afghani people and how we did them wrong. "What about our values and how we never leave a man behind".

sorry little joey. this fuck up is on you. own it.
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yeah honestly this was going to be a shitshow no matter how you play it

at least someone finally ripped off the bandaid and decided to take responsibility for it instead of pushing it forward for the next guy to deal with while constantly bleeding billions and killing people for literally no gain (except keeping china out)
Its not the fact that he finally decided to leave. No one is blaming him for that.

It was how it was handled. The taliban literally took over the city within hours? We evacuated our ambassador on top of a building, etc.

Im fine with it. I would rather we focus on our own country and fixing our own borders which he has ignored.

But damn dude. If that wasnt Biden saying "Fuck you, we out"....
Man that war has been going on for so long there are millions of Americans who don’t even remember it starting. Well *I* do and I remember people saying things like “fuck them ragheads” and “I’m joining the Army so I can kill some sand n***ers”. Those are the same people who now, age 40-50, who say things like “but their lives were in Biden’s hands dude, their lives were in his hands” and “those pooor Afghanistan women” - not because they had a change of heart but because it was the opposite team on the field when it happened. Never even fucking mind that the GOP started this war on the basis of lies and never mind that the GOP negotiated this absolutely brilliant plan of a cease fire with these rapists of women and decapitators of homosexuals. It’s all Biden’s fault.
It was kind of like leaving your ex girlfriend ... there's no "good time" to do it.
She'll be back on the dating scene the next evening no matter how well you massage your exit strategy.

Good on Biden to get it done, and I am not even a supporter ... and those momo's weren't worth a day longer stay. Fuckers left before the American's even did ... what does that say?
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Man that war has been going on for so long there are millions of Americans who don’t even remember it starting. Well *I* do and I remember people saying things like “fuck them ragheads” and “I’m joining the Army so I can kill some sand n***ers”. Those are the same people who now, age 40-50, who say things like “but their lives were in Biden’s hands dude, their lives were in his hands” and “those pooor Afghanistan women” - not because they had a change of heart but because it was the opposite team on the field when it happened. Never even fucking mind that the GOP started this war on the basis of lies and never mind that the GOP negotiated this absolutely brilliant plan of a cease fire with these rapists of women and decapitators of homosexuals. It’s all Biden’s fault.

This is exactly my point, but you said it a little better I think.
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Man that war has been going on for so long there are millions of Americans who don’t even remember it starting. Well *I* do and I remember people saying things like “fuck them ragheads” and “I’m joining the Army so I can kill some sand n***ers”
what i remember, immediately following 9/11
is that the people "joining the military so i can kill some sand n**gers" was (in Texas at least) mostly people who were 14-17 when 9-11 happened and then joined the military on their 18th birthdays
we never had a draft because we had so many re-tards from Texas joining the military that we never needed a draft
the first few years after 9-11 half of the new people joining the military were from Texas
it was so creepy that it was mentioned as Texans being creepy-patriotic on a bunch of news shows
From a leftist rag:
Man that war has been going on for so long there are millions of Americans who don’t even remember it starting. Well *I* do and I remember people saying things like “fuck them ragheads” and “I’m joining the Army so I can kill some sand n***ers”. Those are the same people who now, age 40-50, who say things like “but their lives were in Biden’s hands dude, their lives were in his hands” and “those pooor Afghanistan women” - not because they had a change of heart but because it was the opposite team on the field when it happened. Never even fucking mind that the GOP started this war on the basis of lies and never mind that the GOP negotiated this absolutely brilliant plan of a cease fire with these rapists of women and decapitators of homosexuals. It’s all Biden’s fault.

Im half asleep.

While i actually agree with you 100%, it will be biden that is blamed when things regress over there. Like he said, the buck stops with him. Lets see if the "womens rights" groups and the muslim groups protest biden like they did when the other team was on the field.

And he is def not responsible for the war (though he voted for it 20 years ago, I believe), but he is responsible for the exit strategy.
would you be okay with them taking the city within weeks? months? where's the cutoff? because lol if you think there was an alternative to that happening

and why would you give a shit who runs afghanistan anyway?

i dont really care who runs any country except my own. but i care about those ragheads because the safer their country is, the less of them will want to come to mine
I’m always half asleep and half drunk.

You’re right, he’ll be responsible, regardless.

Not sure about the women’s right groups. I think people have gotten so fragmented and perpetually outraged at various enigmatic insults that peeps don’t know what to do when things intersect. For example, the outraged trannys are confusing the outraged feminists.

nobody fucking remembers that there was a 12-sided-war going on in the middle east on Sept 10th, then after Sept 11th happens, we drop a bunch of bombs, then the first thousand Americans to die in the middle east after 9-11 are the plumbers and electricians that the united nations insisted that we send over there to re-build the schools and homes that we destroyed with the bombs that we dropped withing the first few weeks after the 9-11 attacks

at one point way after that we had a moment of every single fucking member of Al-Qaeda all in one fucking spot and we had the capability of vaporizing all of them with a single bomb but the united nations wouldn't let us do that because it would have also killed civilians

i think at some point we need to just go ahead and do the "killing the hostage in order to take down the hostage-taker" thing and just kill every single fucking person in the middle east, we kinda have too now because otherwise there will never be an endgame and America will get stuck in the middle east until we can get to a point where people killing each other in the middle east either isn't happening anymore (because everyone is dead) or the violence doesn't impact America anymore because we refuse to be over there

all those "African genocides" that everyone keeps talking about happened within 7 years
the shit didn't start till after bill Clinton was in office and it resolved itself before he left office

but despite millions of people dying during those wars
absolutely none of those deaths were Americans
because as soon as that shit started, bill Clinton got in front of a microphone and announced to the united nations
"this is not America's problem"

George Jr couldn't send Americans to die in Africa because all that shit had completely resolved itself before he got elected into office
George couldn't have America get involved in the 12-sideded-war that was already happening Sept 10th until the Sept 11th attacks gave him an excuse to send us over there which he was already planning on doing before he even got elected